Tag Archives: Travel

Cheap Flights- Genius Hacks On How To Find them!

Cheap Flights anyone?! Let’s face this, the airplane ticket is usually one the most expensive purchases of our trip and if we can (somehow!) save some bucks on that we can easily manage to travel more! Here’s the catch, finding the best airfare deal is like hunting for treasure; it’s easier if you know how and where to look! Here is an expert’s guide on how to find cheap flights. Keep these hacks in mind when searching for cheap flights and your bank account will be thankful for it! So let’s get started!

Catch flights, not feelings!

Tried and tested tips to find Cheap Flights:

1. Keep your searches top secret-

Ever witnessed an increase in flight price after searching it a number of times? Let me tell you, you’re not crazy for thinking that a flight price has changed after searching it a few times in your web browser. Blame it on the cookies in your browser, flight prices do increase when a particular route is repeatedly searched. This is primarily done to scare you into booking the flight quickly. Always search for flights in incognito or private browsing mode to see the lowest prices.

2. Make use of Social Media-

Ok this one might surprise you but guess what, your Social Media accounts might actually help you in saving some bucks! Airlines have started using social media to give exclusive discounts to their followers (to increase their social media following) via promotions, online-only fares and other deals. Follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Don’t forget to turn on post notifications.

3. Be Flexible-

This tip is a No brainer but still very important if you want to get that cheap flight! Always have a cushion of 2-3 days and you will definitely find a better bargain. You can also refer to monthly/weekly airfare chart that most websites have to get cheap flights.

4. Stay updated-

Stay updated for any drop in the airfare to ensure that you don’t miss that cheap flight. Alternatively, subscribe to websites, most websites give discount/vouchers to their subscribers from time to time. If airlines have left over tickets, they slash prices to make them more appealing to potential travellers. They email these deals right to your inbox. That’s a small price to pay for all the cheap fares you’ll find. Sign up to our mailing list to get the latest discounts.

5. Check One-Way & Round-Trip Fares-

You may think one-way tickets are cheaper 100% of the time, but that isn’t always the case. This tip works better with long-term travel. Depending on your travel plans, flight origin and destination, it might be cheaper to book a round-trip ticket, then skip the return portion.

6. Use A VPN (Virtual Private Network)-

VPNs allow you to change the location you’re currently browsing from to another country or city. This lets you take advantage of local prices (especially on domestic flights). This is because airlines sometimes charge different rates depending on where you complete your purchase.

7. Fly on the cheapest days-

Incase you haven’t noticed it yet or incase you noticed it and thought it to be a coincidence, let me break it to you, Tuesdays and Wednesdays are (comparatively) cheapest days to fly. According to the CheapAir study, the cheapest days to fly are Tuesday and Wednesday, while Sunday is the most expensive. 

8. Snagging Deals To Find Cheap Flights To Anywhere-

To find cheap flights to Anywhere, you’ll need some planning, some flexibility, and maybe even a little luck! Many websites (For instance Skyscanner) have recently come up with the feature where you leave the destination box empty and they give you the cheapest flights from the origin. Plan in advance and make use of this feature.

9. Give This Layover Trick A Shot-

One of my all-time favourite ways to book cheap flights is by utilising Skiplagged’s handy dandy Layover Trick. While this little-known tip forces you to only bring a carry-on (which you should already be doing if you want to save money on flights!), it can chisel hundreds off ticket prices.

10. Airports Near Your Destination-

Check prices from airports that are within a few hours’ drive of your departure city and destination. Sometimes you can find much cheaper (or more direct) flights from a nearby airport. This can be especially helpful if the other airport is in a different country.

Love travelling but finances keeping you away from your love?! Learn to travel for FREE here!

Happy travelling!

Ultimate things to do in Rome.

With decadent pasta and Gelato to indulge in, places to shop for everything from handicrafts to Haute couture, Archaeological sites, Baroque churches, Villas-turned-into-museums, and enough art to overload all your senses! Whether you’ve never visited Rome or return often, here are a few ultimate things to do in Rome.

Roman Colosseum

Best Things to Do in Rome (Italy)

Rome stands as one of the finest and oldest cities in the world. The history of Rome spans over 2500 years and it has been a center of power, politics, culture and development. Various Roman emperors have ruled mighty Rome and this is the place where the colossal Roman Empire grew from. Various monuments, palaces and religious buildings have been constructed in the city and these now stand as beautiful tourist attractions. Rome is ranked as one of the top tourist destinations and with sights such as the Colosseum, it’s easy to see why!

Ultimate things to do in Rome

Some of the Ultimate things to do In Rome:

  1. Visit the Colosseum – No visit to Rome is complete without a visit to the Roman Colosseum. One of the most recognised landmarks in the world. The Colosseum is one of the most iconic symbol of ancient imperial Rome. This has to be in the list for ultimate things to do in Rome!
  2. Visit the enchanting at St Peter’s Square – One of the largest and most beautiful squares in the world. It is located in Vatican City, at the feet of St. Peter’s Basilica. Most impressive part of the square, besides its size, are its 284 columns and 88 pilasters that flank the square. In the liturgies and more noticeable events St. Peter’s Square has held more than 300,000 people.
  3. St. Peter’s Basilica – The history behind the creation of St. Peter’s Cathedral in Rome is almost as amazing as the building itself. After the first Basilica was knocked down, it took 100 years to rebuild, and some of the most famous architects contributed to its design. If you are planning a visit to Rome, then you can’t miss St Peter’s Basilica.
  4. Discover The Pantheon – The Pantheon is one of the best-preserved monuments of ancient Rome. The structure, completed around 126-128 A.D. during the reign of Emperor Hadrian, features a rotunda with a massive domed ceiling that was once the largest of its kind.
  5. Make a wish at the Trevi Fountain – If you’ve been to Rome, you’ve probably tossed a coin into the Trevi Fountain like thousand other visitors. The tradition gained popularity after it was the theme of the 1954 romantic comedy Three Coins in the Fountain, but it started long before the movie. It was said that a thirst quenching glass of water from the Trevi Fountain would ensure good fortune and a fast return to the Eternal City. Over time the legend of the Trevi Fountain evolved to tossing a coin in to ensure a return to Rome.
  6. Visit the eerie Capuchin Crypt, decorated with the bones of 4,000 Capuchin Monks – Though it’s not meant to be a macabre sight, the Santa Maria della Concezione dei Cappuccini is spine-tingling. This Roman church is decorated with the skeletal remains of more than 4,000 human bodies. A plaque in the crypt reads: “What you are now, we once were; what we are now, you shall be.”
  7. Visit “The Wedding Cake” Building aka Altar of the Fatherland – The colossal monument, which is 135 meters wide and 70 meters high, is comprised of scores of majestic Corinthian columns and endless stairs, carved in white marble. The top is crowned with an equestrian sculpture of Victor Emmanuel in bronze and two chariots driven by the goddess Victoria.
  8. Uplift your spirits at the colourful Spanish Steps – With its irregular butterfly design, the beautiful “Scalina Spagna”, or Spanish Steps are definitely in one of the Ultimate Things to do in Rome, and a great example of Roman Baroque Style. It’s a great place to just sit down and enjoy the atmosphere and views of the Eternal City. The steps are a wide irregular gathering place consisted of 138 steps placed in a mix of curves, straight flights, vistas and terraces.
  9. Relive history at the Roman Forum –  Occupying a sprawling space between the Colosseum, the Capitoline Hill, and the storied Palatine Hill, the Forum was the center of political, religious, and commercial life of ancient Rome and provides insight into the splendour that once was the Roman Empire. The Via dei Fori Imperiali, a wide boulevard built during the reign of Mussolini in the early 20th century, forms the eastern edge of the Forum.
  10. Go for a Rome at Night tour – Rome is even more magical in the evening than it is during the daytime. The monuments and fountains are lit up, the Piazzas hum with the energy of the excited locals and tourists alike, and the restaurants offer delicious food, wine and conversation. So, while you are in Rome, don’t forget to go for a Night Tour.
  11. Visit The Four River Gods at Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi – The four river Gods are the protagonists of the Fountain of the Four Rivers (Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi) by Bernini in Piazza Navona, Rome, known as one of Rome’s finest fountains.
  12. Treat yourself with local delicacies – Roman cuisine is loved for being exceedingly flavourful, simple and satisfying. Don’t forget to indulge in some sumptuous local street food while visiting this place. Try some Allesso di Bollito, Fried Artichokes, Carbonara, etc.
Altar of the Fatherland.
Image by Serghei Topor

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Solo Female Travel Hacks that you need to know.

Solo Female Travel Hacks from the experts, what to do, how to stay safe while travelling alone and how to enjoy without getting into any trouble, all this and more in this post!

Solo Female Travel Hacks that you need to know.

Over the years, I’ve featured dozens of travel tips and destination guides for the solo female traveler, but I wanted to put together a comprehensive female travel resource for everyone. Whether you are a first-time solo traveler looking for that extra push to take their first trip or a seasoned solo traveler… Solo Female Travel Hacks

Hostelworld, the largest online hostel-booking platform, has seen a growth in female solo bookings of 45% between 2015 and 2017.

Solo Female Travel Hacks that you need to know.

Some of the Tried and Tested Hacks:

1. Choose your destination wisely and plan accordingly-

Spend sometime in deciding the destination and plan accordingly. What is Fun in one country might be A Sin in another.

2. Take help of Apps for created for Women Safety-

There are plenty of apps on Google Play and App Store that are created keeping in mind women safety while travelling. Make use of such apps.

3. Do your research before you reach-

Planning is the key to a successful and safe trip. Read reviews, talk to people who have visited that place before,connect to locals, etc.

4. Ensure you don’t run out of battery on your phone-

I understand that one should not be dependent on technology always but let’s face it, our phone (most of the times!) makes things easier. Invest in a good power bank and ensure that you don’t run out of battery.

5. Inform someone about your itinerary/schedule-

Have at least one friend or family member who knows your itinerary in and out. Ensure that you inform him/her in case there is any last minute changes in your plan.

6. Write down important phone numbers-

Mobile phone has made our life so much easier but at the same time it has made us dumb! We no longer remember important contact numbers! Ensure that you write down all such important numbers somewhere.

7. Carry important medicines and your first aid-

As they say, hope for the best but prepare for the worst. Carry basic medicines and your first aid kit with you.

8. Keep a scan copy of all the important documents on a cloud storage-

Always carry a clear scan copy of all your documents, including your tickets, visas, etc. on a cloud storage that you can access from any PC.

9. Keep an eye on your drink (ALL your drinks- not just the alcoholic ones)-

It’s fun to make new friends and share a drink or two but keep an eye on what you are drinking. Adulterating soft drink/juice with drugs is very easy, don’t fall a prey to such things.

10. Be adventurous but be prepared-

Being cautious doesn’t mean that you miss out on all the fun, it means you always ensure that you are better prepared to face any unwelcoming situation. Prepare yourself for such situations so you are not left clueless.

11. Don’t neglect your gut feeling-

if something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. Trust your gut feeling, avoid places or people you feel are not safe. Remember, better be safe that sorry.

12. Trust but verify-

I would want to emphasize on this again, just because you are being cautious doesn’t mean that you stop interacting with people or stop having fun. Trust people but always do your own research, avoid trusting people blindly.

Got any Solo Female Travel Hacks? Let me know in the comments below!  

Mastering the art of travelling light.

Travelling should rejuvenate you, not wear you down. With all the backpacks and luggage you bring with you, travelling becomes tiring, which is wrong. In this post learn Hacks and the art of travelling light.

Travelling should rejuvenate you, not wear you down

I  remember the time when I traveled from my home to my hostel (hardly 3 hours flight) carrying 3 trolleys, 1 tote bag 1 handbag, 1 huge backpack and 1 small purse around my waist… just in case…  (it’s hard to come to terms with the fact that I carried my favorite pillow, and few empty Tupperware boxes with me!) and still had to Buy More Stuff after reaching the hostel! Over the years I have or let’s say I am trying to master the art of travelling light (Minimalism anyone?)

Minimalism is a tool to rid yourself of life’s excess in favor of focusing on what’s important—so you can find happiness, fulfillment, and freedom.

Let me tell you, it is Not easy but then it is not impossible as well! So keep humming the song from ColdPlay, “Nobody said it was easy, No one ever said it would be this hard.”  and let’s get this done!

First of all, why do I need to travel light after all? Well, of course, no one will stop you from travelling with N number of bags but then if you travel light you have your own benefits.

Advantages of Travelling light:

  • Ease of travelling on public transport.
  • Fewer chances of losing your baggage.
  • Tension-free travelling.
  • Option to Stay in hostels.
  • You are (always) better prepared for impromptu plans.
  • You are more of a Traveler than a Tourist.

Believe me, once you start travelling light or start Backpacking, you will never touch that trolley again! Backpacking is a way of life and it is addictive, for good!
To start with you need to choose a backpack that is not too big nor too small, but then again the size of the backpack depends on a number of factors (duration of stay, the place you are travelling to, activities you want to do, so on) 

Step 1- Make a List.

No matter how old school it may sound, if you are new at it I kid you not, get a pen and paper or create a new memo in your phone and make that damn list! It need not be in great detail just put the bullet points and write down everything you have to carry.

Step 2- Find and Strike

Yes, you heard that right, strike off everything that you can live without! I know it sounds stupid but do it anyway! Strike off those 3 cashmere sweaters, 1 sweatshirt (or cashmere sweater if you insist!) is good enough!Tip: Follow- Wear heavy, carry Light. It means you wear heavy clothes like jeans and carry lightweight clothes, like, let’s say shorts, cotton pants, etc.

Step 3- Divide and Rule.

Divide your list into “Need it”, “Might need it”, “Emergency”. Your essentials go in the 1st list, your extra pairs of everything goes in second and things like first aid, tools etc. goes in 3rd. Learn how to pack light here.

Step 4- One Plus One.

Everything needs to go in one bag, Yes, you heard that right! I am gonna be a little lenient and say one plus one but this doesn’t mean that you carry two huge backpacks! One Plus One rule means you carry one backpack and one small bag for passport, cash, mobile, etc.

Step 5- Bring back only pictures.

This step isn’t very easily digested by some (most of them!) but believe me it is something you will thank me later for. We all have clothes that we want to give away that can be tossed away without hurting much. Carry Such Clothes, give them away after using them so with every passing day your backpack starts becoming lighter. (Bonus: You can use that extra space for souvenirs!)

Step 6- Smaller the better.

“Thou shalt never carry those toiletries with you!” Ladies, take a break from makeup don’t carry that mascara and that perfume with you if you plan to travel light! You can buy cheap body lotions and soaps where ever you go. In case you really need to take it with you then make use of those free samples that you stocked up from Boots! Alternatively, you can squeeze out a little bit from the big bottle and carry the body lotions, etc. with you. Travel essential bottles are easily available in stores.

Step 7- Prepare for the best!

Lastly, the most important step is to prepare for the best! Don’t assume things and don’t pack for ‘What if’s” No heaven will fall if you leave behind anything, and thanks to globalization Everything is available Everywhere! Keep in mind your destination, the activities you plan to do and pack accordingly.

Are you a travel junkie looking for some cool travel hacks? Learn how to travel for Free! Yes!

Bon Voyage!

Hidden Gems of UAE- Shuweihat Island

Shuweihat Island- A hidden gem, a pristine beautiful beach in the UAE that will enchant you with its beauty! This place is perfect for camping (Both day and night), a lazy day by the beach, for capturing amazing shots, for star-gazing and much more. It is a place that will make you forget everything in this world. In this article, learn everything about this magical place and how to reach there

Perfect for your next Road Trip in UAE- Shuweihat Island

Shuweihat Island- A hidden Gem of UAE

Shuweihat Island-

As we all know, The UAE is blessed with a coastline that stretches over 1,318 kilometers but some people never really go out and explore it! In this post I will be talking about Shuweihat Island, a place for those who admire beauty of nature, texture and sea! The further you go, the prettier it gets. 

Reaching this place is a task in itself but the rewards to anyone who makes this epic journey (from literally anywhere else in the UAE) to this stunning location are innumerable. The low-lying cliffs, caves and turquoise blue water will remind you of Petra and Bali at the same time! (Did I say, it’s the best of both the worlds!) The formations here are difficult to be found any where else in the country, so be ready to be amazed.

Ideal for a scrupulously planned, long weekend or a full day camping, Shuweihat is about as far west along the coast as you can get before you’re faced with the Saudi border – not too far past the town of Ruwais. You will need a four-wheel drive vehicle to get across the causeway and over the rocky headland, whereupon it’s best to disembark and scramble down to the water’s edge. You won’t believe your eyes – this place is so beautiful!

How to reach Shuweihat Isand

Travelling from Dubai-

Important points that you need to keep in mind:

  • Busy road with lots of trucks.
  • There are Not enough petrol stations. (When I say not enough, I mean hardly any!)
  • This road will turn you into a Professional Truck Over-taker! I am serious!
  • Keep track of the speed limits.
  • Carry enough water, food, trash bags etc.
  • Reliable GPS. (Don’t worry, even with the GPS you are bound to be lost!)
  • It’s a long drive, make sure you have a good company! I was very lucky! 😉 

Let’s talk about distance-

Somewhere between 370 to 500 kms depending on which route you take.

  • 3 h 23 min (369.4 km) via E11 and Abu Dhabi – Ghweifat International Highway /E11
  • 4 h 16 min (455.8 km) via Abu Dhabi – Ghweifat International Highway /E11
  • 4 h 31 min (491.9 km) via Dubai – Al Ain Rd/E66 and Abu Dhabi – Ghweifat International Highway.

What you need to carry-


  • Swimming trunks (Quick dry clothes).
  • Jackets/Pullovers 
  • Extra pair of clothes
  • Towels
  • Shoes (Climbing the rocks in slippers is strictly a No-No!)
Camping at Shuweihat Island

Camping (Day)-

  • Tent (Recommend but not essential.)
  • Mat
  • Chairs
  • Sheets/Blanket (Depends on the weather)
  • Other Camping essentials (Be cautious about the fire equipment, etc)
  • Lights and torches
  • Plenty of Water and Food (Very Important! There is absolutely nothing in this area.)


  • Trash bags (Leave nothing but foot prints, take nothing but photos!)
  • Tissues/Wet tissues
  • Speakers (‘Cause Music makes everything better!)
The breath-taking landscape

What to expect:

Reaching this place is not easy (Our car, I assume, cursed us all the while! Got stuck so many times. Lost our way and what not! but once we reached, we forgot everything and were Awestruck! So, don’t be scared of embarking this journey. You will forget everything and I can assure you, that you will be looking forward to visiting it again!

Before you reach-  

  • Sand dunes
  • Boulders
  • Rocks
  • Narrow paths that make it almost impossible to drive.

After you reach- 

  • Clear Blue water
  • Magical, mysterious looking rock formation.
  • Heaven for photographers.
  • Kayaking (Only if you carry your own kayak)
  • Beautiful landscape
  • Hidden Caves (Yes!)
  • and much more! (Check the pics!)

All in all, come what may, this road trip from UAE, should be on your list! Remember to be responsible and don’t do anything that might harm the environment. “Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but photos!”

Some Useful links for you-

Love travelling? Learn how to travel for free here!