Category Archives: Tips

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Free Lipstick from Mac cosmetics- Here is how to get it!

Did you know you can get a free lipstick from Mac cosmetics for absolutely free! And no, there’s no catch! Read on to know how to avail it. If you are still not sure what I am talking about then head to my Instagram and check out the reel here. As the sustainability movement acquires traction, brands are incentivizing consumers to contribute to their waste reduction efforts. If the promise of a free lipstick from Mac cosmetics sounds exciting to you, look no further than the Back to Mac initiative that rewards diligent customers with a free lipstick of their choice.

Makeup and environment:

According to the United Nations, the global cosmetics industry produces approximately 120 billion units of packaging every year, contributing significantly to plastic waste. Many cosmetic products, such as shampoo bottles, lotion containers, and makeup packaging, are made from single-use plastics. The cosmetic industry often utilizes unreasonable and non-recyclable packaging for its products, contributing to landfill waste. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the packaging of cosmetics and personal care products accounts for a significant portion of non-recycled municipal solid waste. Not just this, consumers frequently dispose of expired or unwanted cosmetic products, which can enter landfills or be incinerated. Some cosmetic products contain hazardous materials that, when improperly disposed of, can pose risks to soil and groundwater.

. Since a mere fraction of this amount is successfully recycled, the culprits comprise everything from the single-use shampoo and conditioner bottles in your daily shower routine to disposable cotton buds and wet wipes that end up as landfill fodder.

Free lipstick from Mac cosmetics

Eye opening facts:

With experts pegging 12 billion tons of plastic waste to be generated by 2050—that’s the equivalent of 35,000 Empire State Building, for reference—the wake-up call from conspicuous to conscious consumption has been long overdue. Factoring in the use-and-dispose nature of beauty products, it should hardly come as a surprise that Zero Waste Week has reported that the global cosmetics industry produces 120 billion units of packaging each year. While consumers are tapping into the call-out culture of social media to press for a circular economy, the beauty industry is responding with a collective step towards sustainable manufacturing by employing the three core tenets of reuse, reduce and recycle. The cardboard boxes that accompany the products alone contribute to the loss of 18 million acres of forests annually.

In a world where sustainability and eco-consciousness are gaining major importance, it’s heartening to see renowned cosmetic brands like Mac Cosmetics India stepping up their game. Mac Cosmetics has long been associated with high-quality makeup products, but they are also making strides towards a greener and more reliable future. One of their most enticing initiatives is the “Bring Back Empties and Get a Free Lipstick” program. In this blog post, we’ll explore Mac Cosmetics India’s eco-friendly initiative and how it benefits both customers and the environment.

Free lipstick by Mac Cosmetics India Initiative:

Mac Cosmetics India launched a brilliant initiative that not only encourages responsible disposal but also rewards customers for their commitment to sustainability. The initiative is simple yet impactful: return six empty Mac product containers to any Mac store in India, and in return, you get a brand new Mac lipstick of your choice as a token of their appreciation.

What Makes This Initiative Special?

  1. Promoting Recycling: The main goal of this initiative is to reduce waste. By incentivizing customers to return empty containers, Mac Cosmetics is actively contributing to the promotion of recycling. This move not only prevents these containers from ending up in landfills but also reduces the demand for new plastic packaging.
  2. Rewarding Customer Loyalty: Mac Cosmetics values its loyal customers and is willing to reward them for their commitment. Offering a free lipstick is a wonderful way to show gratitude and keep customers engaged with the brand.
  3. Choice of Lipstick: Mac offers a vast range of lipstick shades and formulas. This means that customers can choose the lipstick that best suits their preferences, ensuring they receive a product they’ll love and use.

How to Participate in free lipstick from Mac initiative:

Participating in this eco-friendly initiative is pretty easy and straightforward:

  1. Collect Empties: Start collecting empty Mac product containers. These can be lipstick tubes, foundation bottles, eyeshadow palettes, or any other Mac product packaging (that can be recycled).
  2. Visit a Mac Store: Locate a Mac store near you and bring your six empty containers with you. In India, this initiative is not available online and so you will have to visit any nearest store.
  3. Choose Your Lipstick: Once you’ve handed over your empties, you can choose your free Mac lipstick, and pick your favourite shade. With so many shades and finishes available, you’re bound to find your perfect match!
  4. Enjoy Your Lipstick: Walk away with a brand new free lipstick from mac cosmetics that not only enhances your beauty but also contributes to a greener planet.


Mac Cosmetics India’s “Bring Back Empties and Get a Free Lipstick” initiative is a win-win for everyone involved. Customers are rewarded for their loyalty and eco-conscious efforts, and the environment benefits from reduced waste. This program serves as an excellent example of how responsible corporate initiatives can make a positive impact on the world we live in.

So, next time you finish up a Mac product, don’t toss the container away; instead, return it to a Mac store and enjoy the satisfaction of contributing to a sustainable future while adding a new lipstick to your collection. It’s a small step with a big impact. Hope you enjoyed reading this, check out more such tips and tricks here.

My Review of The Ordinary’s Glycolic Acid Toner

I am constantly on the lookout for effective yet affordable products to incorporate into my skincare routine and review them for my audience, don’t forget to read the reviews here. The Ordinary, a brand known for its no-frills approach to skincare, caught my attention for its popularity, a wide range of affordable and science-backed products. One of their standout offerings is Glycolic Acid, a potent exfoliant that promises to deliver radiant and smoother skin. In this blog post, I’ll share my personal review of the Ordinary’s Glycolic Acid Toner after using it for several weeks.

The skin toner that went viral

Understanding Glycolic Acid

Before diving into my experience with The Ordinary’s Glycolic Acid, it’s essential to understand what glycolic acid is and what it can do for your skin. Glycolic acid is a type of alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) derived from sugar cane. It is renowned for its exfoliating properties and is commonly used to improve the texture and appearance of the skin. Glycolic acid works by loosening the bonds between dead skin cells, making it easier to slough off the top layer of dull, damaged skin. This process can result in a smoother, more radiant complexion.

My Skin Type and Concerns

To provide context for my review, I believe it’s essential to share some details about my skin type and concerns. I have combination skin, which means I deal with both dry and oily areas. My primary concerns include occasional breakouts, dullness, and uneven skin tone, particularly around my T-zone area.

My Experience with The Ordinary’s Glycolic Acid

  1. Packaging: The Ordinary is known for its minimalist packaging, and the Glycolic Acid solution is no exception. It comes in a clear glass bottle with a dropper, which makes it easy to dispense the product without wasting any.
  2. Texture: The Glycolic Acid solution has a watery consistency and is slightly thicker than water. It doesn’t feel sticky or heavy when applied to the skin, which is a plus.
  3. Application: I incorporated The Ordinary’s Glycolic Acid into my evening skincare routine. After cleansing my face, I applied a few drops of the product to a cotton pad and gently swiped it across my face, avoiding the eye area. I followed it up with my regular moisturizer.
  4. Sensation: Upon application, I experienced a mild tingling sensation, which is common with glycolic acid. It was not uncomfortable or painful, and it subsided after a minute or so. If you have sensitive skin, it’s essential to do a patch test and gradually introduce the product to your routine to avoid irritation.
  5. Results: After using The Ordinary’s Glycolic Acid for several weeks, I began to notice some positive changes in my skin. My skin felt smoother and looked brighter. I also noticed that my breakouts were less frequent, and my skin tone appeared more even.
  6. Sun Protection: It’s crucial to mention that when using glycolic acid, it’s even more important to use sunscreen during the day. Glycolic acid can make your skin more sensitive to the sun, so adequate sun protection is a must.
  7. Consistency: Consistency is key when it comes to skincare, and I found that using The Ordinary’s Glycolic Acid a few times a week worked well for me. It’s important not to overuse it, as excessive exfoliation can lead to irritation.


After several weeks of consistent use, I started to notice some positive changes in my skin. Also, I got to know that this toner can be used in so many different ways, apart from using it for face, watch this reel here to be shocked!

  1. Smoother Texture: One of the most noticeable improvements was the texture of my skin. It felt smoother and more refined.
  2. Brighter Complexion: My skin looked brighter and more radiant, with a noticeable reduction in dullness.
  3. Reduced Hyperpigmentation: I had some post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) from past breakouts, and I saw a gradual fading of these marks over time.
  4. Reduced Clogged Pores: The Glycolic Acid helped to unclog pores and minimize the appearance of blackheads.
  5. Improved Absorption: I found that my skincare products, especially serums and moisturizers, absorbed better into my skin after using Glycolic Acid.

The Ordinary’s Approach

One of the things that I appreciate about The Ordinary is its commitment to simplicity and transparency. Their Glycolic Acid product contains a straightforward ingredient list, primarily consisting glycolic acid itself, along with a few supporting ingredients to balance its potency and minimize irritation. The formula is vegan, cruelty-free, and free from many common skincare irritants, making it suitable for a wide range of skin types.

How to use:

Try to incorporate The Ordinary’s Glycolic Acid into your skincare routine gradually, as AHAs can be potent and potentially irritating if not used correctly. Here’s how you can integrate it into your skincare regimen:

  1. Patch Test: Begin by doing a patch test on a small area of your skin to ensure you don’t experience any adverse reactions.
  2. Frequency: You should start using the product just once a week, gradually increasing the frequency as your skin becomes accustomed to it. (Ideally, you should not use it more than twice a week)
  3. Evening Use: You should apply the Glycolic Acid in the evening after cleansing and before moisturizing. Sunscreen during the day should be a must, as AHAs can increase sensitivity to the sun.


In conclusion, The Ordinary’s Glycolic Acid is an affordable and effective addition to your skincare routine, especially if you’re looking to address issues like uneven skin tone, texture, and dullness. It has helped me achieve a smoother, brighter complexion while addressing issues like hyperpigmentation and clogged pores. However, it’s essential to use it with caution, especially if you have sensitive skin. Start slow, patch test, and be diligent about sunscreen usage during the day.

As with any skincare product, individual results may vary, so it’s a good idea to do a patch test before applying it to your face. Overall, I’m pleased with the results I’ve seen while using The Ordinary’s Glycolic Acid, and I plan to continue incorporating it into my skincare routine.

Remember that skincare is highly individual, and what works for one person may not work for another. It’s always a good idea to consult with a dermatologist or skincare professional to determine the best products and routines for your unique skin concerns. Nevertheless, for those looking to incorporate an effective AHA into their skincare regimen without breaking the bank, The Ordinary’s Glycolic Acid is worth considering.

Confessions of a Former Nail-Biter: How I Kickstarted My Nail Growth

From hiding my nails in my pockets to flaunting them, my nail growth journey has been quite a rollercoaster ride! Let’s begin with this: there’s no proven way to speed up nail growth. But, the good news is that many remedies can strengthen the nails and keep them from breaking, giving them a better possibility of staying healthy and looking good. While nail polishes and salon treatments promise quick fixes, the real strength and beauty of your nails come from within. If you’re tired of weak nails, you’re in the right place. In this blogpost, we’ll explore how to strengthen your nails naturally, without resorting to harsh chemicals or expensive salon treatments.

Nail health is a reflection of your overall well-being, so we’ll delve into the dietary and lifestyle factors that play a crucial role. You’ll also discover a range of home remedies, tips, and tricks that can help you achieve the strong, gorgeous nails you’ve always wanted. Let’s get started on the journey to naturally healthier nails!

The Role of Diet in Nail Growth

Your nails are like a mirror reflecting your overall health. To strengthen them naturally, start from the inside out. Nutrients play a vital role in nail growth, and incorporating the following elements into your diet can make a significant difference:

Nutrients for Nail Growth:

  • Protein: Nails are primarily composed of a protein called keratin. Ensuring an adequate intake of protein-rich foods like lean meats, fish, eggs, and legumes can promote stronger nails.
  • Biotin: Also known as vitamin H, biotin is essential for nail growth. Include foods like nuts, seeds, and dairy products in your diet to boost your biotin intake.
  • Iron: Iron deficiency can often lead to weak and brittle nails. Incorporate iron-rich foods like spinach, lentils, and lean red meat into your meals.

Foods to Incorporate in Your Diet:

  • Leafy Greens: Spinach, kale, and Swiss chard are excellent sources of vitamins and minerals that support nail growth.
  • Berries: Blueberries, strawberries, and blackberries contain antioxidants that protect your nails from damage.
  • Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, and flaxseeds provide biotin, healthy fats, and zinc, all beneficial for nail strength.
  • Fatty Fish: Salmon, mackerel, and sardines are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce inflammation and promote nail health.

The Importance of Hydration:

Staying well-hydrated is vital for overall health and nail strength. Water helps transport nutrients to your nails and prevents them from becoming dry and brittle. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water a day to keep your nails and body hydrated.

Nail-Friendly Supplements

In addition to a nutrient-rich diet, supplements can give your nails an extra boost. Here are some supplements known for their nail-strengthening benefits:

Biotin: Also known as vitamin B7, biotin is a go-to supplement for nail growth. It promotes keratin production, leading to healthier and more resilient nails.

Vitamin E: This powerful antioxidant helps protect your nails from damage caused by free radicals. It’s available in supplement form and can also be found in foods like almonds and sunflower seeds.

Iron: Iron deficiency can lead to brittle nails. If you have a known iron deficiency, consider taking an iron supplement under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Omega-3s reduce inflammation and promote nail growth. You can find them in fish oil supplements or by increasing your intake of fatty fish like salmon and trout.

Before adding supplements to your routine, consult with a healthcare provider to ensure they are safe and suitable for you.

Healthy Nail Care Practices

Proper nail care is essential for maintaining strong and beautiful nails. Follow these practices to prevent damage and promote natural nail strength:

Proper Nail Trimming: Trim your nails regularly with clean, sharp clippers. File them in one direction to avoid splitting.

Protecting Your Nails: Wear gloves when doing household chores or gardening to prevent exposure to harsh chemicals and excessive moisture.

Avoiding Harmful Habits: Refrain from biting your nails, and avoid using them as tools for tasks like opening soda cans or removing stickers. These habits can weaken and damage your nails.

Natural Nail Strengthening Remedies

Growing your nails quickly involves a combination of proper nail care, a balanced diet, and simple home remedies. While it’s important to note that nails grow at a relatively slow and consistent rate, typically about 2-3 millimeters per month, you can encourage healthy nail growth with these easy home remedies: If you’re looking for natural ways to strengthen your nails, consider these home remedies:

Nourish with Vitamin E:

  • Vitamin E is known to promote nail growth by improving blood circulation to the nail bed and providing essential nutrients.
  • Apply vitamin E oil or cream to your nails and cuticles daily. Gently massage it in to stimulate blood flow and moisturize the nail bed.

Olive Oil Soak:

  • Soak your nails in warm, extra virgin olive oil for 15-20 minutes, several times a week. This helps keep your nails hydrated and promotes growth.
  • Soaking your nails in warm water with a pinch of salt and a few drops of olive oil can help moisturize and strengthen them.

Coconut Oil Moisturizing: Apply coconut oil to your nails and cuticles regularly to keep them hydrated and healthy.

  • Lemon Juice Therapy: Lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent that can also strengthen your nails. It contains vitamin C, which aids collagen production, essential for healthy nails.
  • Mix lemon juice with olive oil and soak your nails in the solution for a few minutes daily.
  • Mix equal parts lemon juice and warm water and soak your nails for 10-15 minutes. Rinse and moisturize afterward.

Horsetail Herb Infusion:

  • Horsetail herb is rich in silica, a mineral that promotes nail and hair growth.
  • Brew horsetail herb tea, let it cool, and soak your nails in it for 20 minutes once a week.

Use Garlic:

  • Garlic contains selenium, which is beneficial for nail health.
  • Crush a garlic clove and mix it with a few drops of olive oil. Apply this mixture to your nails and leave it on for 15-20 minutes before rinsing.

Tea Tree Oil for Nail Fungus: If you’re dealing with nail fungus, tea tree oil has antifungal properties. Apply diluted tea tree oil to the affected nails regularly.

Baking Soda Scrub: Make a paste with baking soda and water, then gently scrub your nails with it. This can help remove stains and strengthen your nails.

These natural treatments can be incorporated into your nail care routine for added strength and resilience.

Most Effective Serum for Nail Growth:

Creating a homemade nail serum for growth is a simple and cost-effective way to promote healthy nail growth. This serum helped me tremendously. Check out the quick recipe here. Here’s a recipe for a DIY nail growth serum:


  1. Sweet Almond Oil: Almond oil is rich in vitamin E, which helps nourish and moisturize the nails and cuticles. It also contains essential fatty acids that support healthy nail growth.
  2. Jojoba Oil: Jojoba oil is known for its similarity to the natural oils produced by the skin and nails. It can help moisturize and strengthen the nails.
  3. Vitamin E Oil: Vitamin E oil is a potent antioxidant that promotes healthy nail growth and prevents damage.
  4. Castor Oil: Helps in hydrating the nail bed and the cuticles.
  5. Tea Tree Oil (optional): It has antifungal and antibacterial properties, which can help maintain nail health.
    • You can buy these ingredients from here.

How to prepare:

  • 1 tablespoon Sweet Almond Oil
  • 1 tablespoon Jojoba Oil
  • 1 tablespoon Castor Oil
  • A few drops of Vitamin E Oil (from a vitamin E capsule)
  • 5-10 drops of Tea Tree Oil 
  • Lavender Oil (optional, for fragrance and added benefits)

Mix the Oils:

  • In a small glass bottle or dropper bottle, combine all the ingredients.
  • If you’re using the lavender essential oil, add it to the mixture for a pleasant fragrance and added nail health benefits.

Shake Well:

  • Close the bottle securely and shake it well to ensure that all the oils are thoroughly mixed.

How to Apply:

  • Apply a small amount of the serum to your clean, dry nails and cuticles.
  • Gently massage the serum into your nails and cuticles for a few minutes.
  • Leave the serum on for at least 20-30 minutes to allow the oils to penetrate and nourish the nails.
  • For best results, you can leave it on overnight by wearing cotton gloves to prevent staining your sheets.
  • To see noticeable improvements in nail growth and health, use the serum daily or a few times a week.
  • Store the serum in a cool, dark place to preserve the freshness and effectiveness of the oils. A small amber glass bottle is ideal for storage.

Using this DIY nail growth serum regularly can help moisturize, strengthen, and promote healthy nail growth. Remember that results may take some time to become evident, so be patient and consistent with your nail care routine.

The Power of Maintaining Hygiene

Maintaining good hygiene is crucial for nail health. Here are some hygiene tips to consider:

Cleanliness and Infection Prevention: Keep your nails clean to prevent bacterial or fungal infections. Use a soft nail brush to clean under your nails regularly.

Choosing Nail Care Products Wisely: Opt for nail polishes and treatments that are free of harmful chemicals like formaldehyde, toluene, and dibutyl phthalate (DBP). Look for products labeled “3-free” or “5-free.”

Lifestyle Choices for Stronger Nails

Your lifestyle choices can significantly impact the strength and health of your nails. Consider the following factors:

Stress Management: High-stress levels can lead to nail problems. Practice stress-reduction techniques like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises.

Adequate Sleep: Ensure you get enough quality sleep each night. Sleep is essential for the body’s repair and regeneration processes, which include nail growth.

Regular Exercise: Exercise improves blood circulation, which can benefit nail health. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week.

How to Repair Damaged Nails

If your nails are already damaged, don’t worry. There are steps you can take to help them recover:

Healing Nail Beds: Avoid applying nail polish for a while to let your nails breathe. Use a nourishing nail and cuticle oil to moisturize your nails daily.

Covering Up Damage: If your nails have visible damage or are discolored, you can use a nail buffer to smooth the surface. Apply a clear strengthening nail serum to protect them.

Giving Your Nails Time to Recover: Be patient. It can take several weeks or even months for damaged nails to fully recover. Continue with your healthy nail care routine, and you’ll see improvement over time.

Natural Nail Polish or breathable Options

If you love colorful nails, there are non-toxic nail polish brands available that offer a safer alternative to traditional polishes. Look for brands that are free from harmful chemicals and offer a wide range of colors. Alternatively, try your hand at DIY nail art using non-toxic, water-based nail polishes or breathable nail polishes.

FAQs About Nail Growth

Can I make my nails grow faster?

Nail growth rate is largely determined by genetics, but you can promote healthy growth by following a balanced diet, maintaining good hygiene, and avoiding damaging habits.

How long does it take for nails to strengthen naturally?

The time it takes for nails to strengthen naturally varies from person to person. It can take several weeks to a few months to notice a significant improvement, depending on the extent of damage and your commitment to nail care.

Are there any natural remedies for nail fungus?

Yes, tea tree oil is a natural remedy for nail fungus. Apply diluted tea tree oil to the affected nails daily. However, it’s essential to consult a healthcare provider for severe cases of nail fungus.


Achieving stronger, healthier nails naturally is a journey that requires dedication and patience. By focusing on your diet, adopting healthy nail care practices, and using natural remedies, you can improve the strength and appearance of your nails without resorting to harsh chemicals or expensive treatments. Remember that nail health is a reflection of your overall well-being, so taking steps to promote your general health will also benefit your nails. Start implementing these tips today, and you’ll be well on your way to naturally beautiful, strong nails that you can proudly flaunt!

Hope you enjoyed reading this, don’t forget to read more such tips here.

Top 10 Game-Changing Products that Transformed My Acne-Prone Skin

Dealing with skin prone to acne can often resemble an ongoing and burdensome endeavor. The quest to discover the most suitable products that effectively target breakouts, alleviate redness, and manage sensitivity can sometimes be quite frustrating! Having personally journeyed through the tumultuous realm of acne-prone skin, I know how difficult it can be. Nonetheless, my expedition into the realm of skincare has led me to a variety of revolutionary products. The trial-and-error method can be annoying and heavy on the pockets! So, take advantage of my skincare journey and read on to know about the products that helped me to get clearer skin.

Within the realm of this all-encompassing guide, I am excited to share with you a collection of ten truly remarkable products, each of which has played a pivotal role in transforming my acne-prone skin. If you’re currently embarked on a quest for an effective skincare regimen that yields tangible results, I invite you to proceed further and immerse yourself in the transformative journey ahead. Through the following discourse, you’ll unearth a roadmap towards attaining a complexion that exudes vitality and is free from acne and blemishes.

10 Transformative Products for Acne-Prone Skin

  1. Bioderma Sensibio Micellar Water: A Gentle Beginning

At the very foundation of my dedicated attempt to combat and manage acne-prone skin lies the pivotal role played by Bioderma Sensibio Micellar Water. This multitasking cleanser emerges as a transformative ally, working diligently to eliminate makeup residues, banish impurities, and cleanse away dirt, all this without making the skin dry or ripping off skin’s natural hydration. What truly sets this product apart is its ultra-mild formulation, meticulously crafted to harmonize with the complex equilibrium of the skin’s inherent delicacy, making it nothing short of a revolutionary game-changer in the realm of skincare tailored specifically for those who have sensitive and acne-prone skin. Buy it here.

  1. Bioderma Sensibio Face Wash: A Soothing Oasis

OOn days when active acne is at bay, the Bioderma Sensibio Face Wash emerges as a soothing sanctuary. Crafted with sensitivity in mind, this gentle cleanser provides a nurturing cleanse that doesn’t strip the skin’s natural moisture. It’s the tranquil pause that my skin craves during intermittent flare-ups. You can buy it here.

  1. Ceravé Face Wash: A Time-Tested Ally

Remaining a steadfast and unwavering ally in my ongoing expedition to manage my acne-prone skin, the Ceravé Face Wash has solidified its status as a reliable product. This cleanser, cherished for its harmonious blend of simplicity and efficacy, has secured a permanent spot within my daily skincare regimen. It stands as a testament to the profound truth that often, amidst the complexities of skincare, the most potent and impactful solutions find their roots in simplicity, serving as a beacon of hope and a trusted companion for those of us navigating the complexities of acne-prone skin! Buy it here.

  1. Kama Ayurveda Mridul Face Cleanser: Nature’s Embrace

When the desire for a “chemical-free” escape beckons, the Kama Ayurveda Mridul Face Cleanser extends its natural and ayurvedic embrace. Enriched with the goodness of all natural ingredients, this luxurious cleanser provides a holistic cleanse that rejuvenates both the skin and the spirit. It has all natural ingredients, is chemical and fragrance free, making it perfect for people with acne-prone skin.

  1. Forest Essentials Facial Ubtan: A Ritual of Radiance

The Forest Essentials Facial Ubtan is my haven for embracing Ayurveda. Paired with rose water, it becomes a nourishing potion that refreshes, rejuvenates and calms acne-prone skin. In a world of scrubs, this traditional treasure offers an alternative path to radiance.

  1. The Body Shop Tea Tree Clay Mask: Calming Warrior

Amidst the tempest of active pimples, The Body Shop Tea Tree Clay Mask emerges as a calming warrior. Its cooling touch soothes redness and swelling, providing respite during moments of skin unrest.

  1. Rose Water: Versatile Elixir

Rose water, renowned for its natural elegance and versatility, is rich in antioxidants and essential vitamins, this floral elixir acts as a gentle toner, effectively balancing the skin’s pH levels and refining its texture. Its anti-inflammatory properties soothe redness and irritation, making it an ideal solution for sensitive and acne-prone skin. Its natural astringent qualities help tighten pores, reducing their appearance and enhancing the overall complexion. Incorporating rose water into your skincare routine rejuvenates and nurtures your skin. You can purchase it here.

  1. The Ordinary Glycolic Toner: A Radiant Revelation

Weekly revival is embodied by The Ordinary Glycolic Toner. Its exfoliating prowess uncovers a radiant glow beneath, embodying the union of science and skincare. It shouldn’t be used every day and needs to be incorporated in skincare regime gradually.

  1. The Ordinary Niacinamide and Zinc: Empowering Elixir

Navigating the labyrinth of problematic skin finds solace in The Ordinary Niacinamide and Zinc serum. This empowering elixir addresses concerns with precision, offering a step towards transformation for acne-prone skin. Buy it here.

  1. The Ordinary Vitamin C Suspension 23%: Radiance Revived

Closing our lineup is The Ordinary Vitamin C Suspension 23%, an unsung hero with an undeniable impact. Despite its unconventional grainy texture, it reignites radiance and helps in achieving a more even and brighter skin tone. One very important product for acne-prone skin.

You can buy these products here


Navigating the intricate journey through the challenges of acne-prone skin is indeed a challenging endeavor. However, within this labyrinth of complexities, a beacon of hope emerges through the radiance of these 10 transformative products meticulously tailored to cater to the needs of acne-prone skin. Each of these products, carefully curated to address the unique demands of acne-prone skin, serves as a guiding light, illuminating a path towards achieving a more even skin tone. Remember, each skin is different, and what works for one person might not work for another. If you are someone who has acne-prone skin, you need to have patience as a product needs to be used for at least 1 month before you can see a significant change.
For those fervently seeking a skincare regimen that transcends the boundaries of mere superficiality and delves deep into the realm of addressing the concerns of acne-prone skin, these transformative products stand as a gateway to profound transformation. Beyond merely addressing the imperfections that often characterize acne-prone skin, these products serve as catalysts that empower the inherent radiance of your skin.
However, let us not overlook the intrinsic truth that every skin possesses its own distinct identity and intricacies. While these external solutions play a pivotal role, the culmination of holistic well-being, comprising nourishment through a balanced diet, invigoration via exercise, and the nurturing embrace of self-love, is an equally vital facet of the journey. Also, externally applied products cannot compensate for a healthy diet, exercise, and a balanced lifestyle. Keep yourself hydrated, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, exercise regularly along with using skincare products.
In this collective voyage of self-discovery and rejuvenation, I implore you to embrace every aspect of your skin’s journey. Through each careful step, embark on a transformational odyssey that transcends the mere physical and unveils the radiant reflection of your innermost luminance. Your acne-prone skin holds the potential for a narrative of resilience, empowerment, and ultimately, a canvas that radiates with the hues of unbounded radiance.

For more product reviews and skin/haircare do not forget to check this link out.

Lucknow food items not to be missed Part-I

Lucknow- The Indian city that reckons the birthplace of Dum Biryani to Tunday Kebabs. The Awadhi Nafasat can be found even in the dishes here, a light aroma and a subtle flavor distinguish these dishes. The city where food is considered an art and preparing it requires a high degree of expertise rather than mere rich ingredients. In this post, let me take you on a gastronomic journey in the chaotic alleys of Lucknow.

It is said that Nawab Asaf Ud Daula paid his cook a monthly salary of rupees 1,200, an amount greater than the salary of any cook in the history of India! It is a proof that Lucknow people take their food very seriously! Lucknow is every food lover’s dream and a place to witness the finesse of Awadhi cuisine. The food in Lucknow is much more than just Kebabs, though I agree it shouldn’t be missed!

Lucknow- The city of Nawabs, Kebabs and more

In Lucknow, your best catchment area for authentic Lucknow food would be Chowk, Akbari Gate, Nakkhas (especially at night and late at night during the month of Ramadan) or the Chaotic Gol Darwaza, Aminabad, and a few comparatively modern outlets around Tulsi Theatre, etc. What’s interesting is that the famous food changes according to the season! In the monsoon, sweet shops would display mouth-watering Andarse ki goli; in the winter, you can see Makhan Malai being sold at almost every nook and corner, while in the summers, one could not miss the Kulfi Falooda and so on. One month it is something, and the next month it will be something entirely different!

Lucknow Kebab

When we talk about Awadhi cuisine or Lakhnowi food, Tunday Kebab tops the list because of its distinctive taste and softness. However, there is so much more to Lucknow food than kebabs. This city is a utopia for food lovers and those who want to experience the rich culinary culture of Lucknow. Listing and savoring every must-try dish might be a bit too overwhelming, but here is a humble attempt to list out a few dishes you should try in Lucknow apart from Tunday Kebabs:

Trivia: It is said that the annual budget for kitchens of the third nawab, Shuja-ud-Daula, was around seven lakh. 

Biryani- The debate on which Biryani is the best is rather a never-ending one, so we leave that to you! But talking about Biryani in Lucknow, it is not like the biryani available anywhere else. Lucknow Biryani has a very subtle flavor, mild spices, and a light aroma.

Best places to try: Idris, Wahid, Alamgir, Lalla Biryani, and Dastarkhwan

Band gosht- Band gosht is a dish that is slow-cooked for five to six hours—it is a delicacy you shouldn’t miss out on. All you need with it is your favorite Indian bread on the side.

Best places to try: Alamgir Hotel

Nihari Kulche- The dish is normally made up of juicy pieces of meat in a viscous, delicious gravy, and best goes with Kulcha.

Best places to try: Raheem- Located in a narrow lane at Akbari Gate in Chowk, this 125-year-old restaurant serves the best Nihari Kulche.

Sheermal- ‘Sheer’ means milk and ‘mal or maal’ connotes to ‘rich food’. Sheermal was celebrated as an upper-class bread whose history can be traced back to the Nawabi kitchen. The sheermal dough is kneaded in milk and is made of ghee, flour, and yeast, and the rest of the ingredients, like cardamom, saffron, etc are added as per the requirement. The preferred accompaniments are kebabs and nihari, though the Sheermal by itself is so delicious that one can enjoy it with a cup of tea for breakfast!

Best places to try: Ali Hussain is the best in the city. There are also plenty of other shops in ‘Sheermal Wali Gali’

Basket Chaat- As the name suggests, this unique chaat comes into an edible basket! The mouth-watering chaat is loaded with ingredients like aloo TikkipaapdiBhallachanedahi, and green chutney, garnished with pomegranate seeds and masala. Basket chaat in Lucknow was in initially sold by Royal Cafe but now there are a lot of other places that serve this unique chaat. 

Best places to try: Royal Cafe- The founder of this unique dish.

Khasta- The crisp yet soft and flaky—a characteristic of a good khasta. It is served with spicy potato and chhole. It is one of the most favorite breakfast items in Lucknow. Multiple restaurants sell Khasta in Lucknow but, there are a couple of names that are quite famous and definitely a must-try.

Best places to try: Rattilal, Durga Khasta on Latouche road (5 minutes away from Rattilal) is also good, but there have been a couple of not-so-good reviews about the latter.

Kachori- Crispy, flaky, served piping hot, with Aloo and Chhole on the side. Kachori is one of the trusted and wholesome choices when it comes to breakfast.

Best places to try: Bajpayee Kachori- now run by third-generation owners is one name that pops up in every Lucknowi’s mind when asked about the best kachori in the city.

Aloo Tikki Chaat- In most of North India, you can get Aloo Tikki Chaat almost in every city, but the ones available in Lucknow are unmatched! It is characterized by crispy potato, yogurt, and ground spices, and is garnished with ginger, coriander, chilies, pomegranate, etc. 

Best places to try: Prem Sweets, Royal Cafe, Dikshit Chaat House, and Chhapan Bhog.

Malai Paan or Bilai ki Gilori– Don’t let the name confuse you! This paan is nothing like the normal paan! Made using milk, malai (cream), and dry fruits. The story behind the invention of just as unique as the dish itself. It is said that the Nawab was asked to abstain from Paan, as tobacco consumption was affecting his health. It is said that Ram Asrey invented this dish to surprise the Nawab and served it to him after his meal. The Nawab was so impressed that this dish found a permanent place on the list of famous Lucknow food items. 

Best places to try: Ram Asrey. It is also available in Chhappan Bhog and Prem Sweets.

Kaali Gajar Ka Halwa- Available during winter, this dessert is quite different from normal gajar ka halwa. Kali Gajar ka Halwa is made from carrots of a darker color. Though it’s not black, but has a deep purple color. Sitting with dollops of ghee and garnished with cashew, almonds, and often a spoonful of Rabri, this unique dessert shouldn’t be missed.

Best places to try: Ask for “Halwe wale Haji Sahab” in Alamgir wali Gali, Chowk, Moti Mahal, and Radhey Lal.

Gulabi Chai (It is Not Kashmiri Chai!)– Talking about Lucknow food, Gulabi Chai in Lucknow should be on your list too. Contrary to the popular belief, it is not Kashmiri chai, but the Lucknow version of Kashmiri Chai. Gulabi chai is a sweeter version of the former and is a creamy pink-colored tea that has cashews, pistachios, nutmeg, cinnamon, cardamom, saffron, and kewra, amongst the other ingredients. It is usually sold during winter as it is believed to have Garam-Taseer (now google it up to understand what we meant by that!) 

Best places to try: Different vendors set up their stalls in the old city area of Chowk, Nakkhas, Nazirabad, and the area near Chhota Imambara. However, one of the oldest and most recommended is a chaiwala, who sets up his shop near the Akbari Gate slope. 

Thandai- Comes from the word “Thanda”. This drink is a savior during scorching heat during summer. It is made using heavy-boiled milk, dry fruits, fennel seeds, watermelon kernels, rose petals, pepper, cardamom, saffron, milk, sugar, etc. 

Best places to try: In Chowk, just at the chaotic Gol Darwaza, look for Raja Thandai, who has been selling nothing but that drink for almost eighty years.

Sharma Ji ki Chai

Maska Bun with Chai– We Lucknow-walas take our tea very seriously! Chai aur Bun-Makhan is served in almost every nook and corner of the city. Simmering tea and fresh buns with a generous dollop of butter is something one can’t say no easily! Though Lucknow is filled with chai places, if you want exceptional tea that would keep you coming back for more, there are a few places that shouldn’t be missed.

Best places to try: Keval, Shukla, and Sharma Ji ki Chai

Malai Makhan or Nimish- Nimish, also known as Makhan Malai in Mathura, Daulat ki Chaat in Delhi. Served during winter, this melt-in-the-mouth dessert dates back to the Mughal Era. The signature dessert takes hours to prepare and vanishes in the mouth within seconds! When the early morning dewdrops fall on the mixture, it creates a delicate froth. 

Best places to try: Near Gol Darwaza in Chowk early in the morning from November to March. You might also find it near Roomi Darwaza during the evening.

Shahi Tukda- ‘Shahi’ means ‘Royal’ while ‘Tukda’ means ‘A piece’. This royal piece of exquisite delicacy should be on your list if you have a sweet tooth. You can find Shahi Tukda anywhere in Lucknow, but the most suitable place is the crowded streets of Aminabad. You can find many vendors in Aminabad selling Shahi Tukda, especially in the lane of Tunday Kebabi. 

Best places to try: Aminabad, Tunday Kebabi lane.

Kulfi Falooda- There is no more suitable method to deal with the scorching heat than to indulge in a creamy Kulfi. Think about handmade ice cream that’s loaded with dry fruits, saffron, cardamom, etc.

Best places to try: Moti Mahal, Prakash Kulfi is a bit overrated but nevertheless, it’s famous, Chhappan Bhog, Chanakya Kulfi.

Patti Khoye- A dry sweet made from white sesame seeds or peanuts and jaggery. Patti Khoye is crunchy, chewy, and has a mild sweetness. The small coin-sized diskettes of sugar have a delightful crunch. 

Best places to try: Once again, Gol Darwaza, Chowk.

Meetha Paan- In Awadhi and Mughlai culture, Paan is more than just a mouth freshener. It is a renowned cultural norm to serve Paan after meals. If you are in Lucknow, you will spot numerous Paan vendors or Paan ki Gumti in every nook and corner. Paan is a permanent feature of weddings and special occasions in Lucknow. From authentic Paan to recent innovations like ‘Fire Paan’, ‘Chocolate Paan’, you should give it a try if you are in the city.

Best places to try: Azhar Paan shop in Akbari Gate, Soni Moni Paan shop in Indiranagar, Mehrotra Paan near SBI Hazratganj, and Kamlesh Paan Bhandar near K.D. Singh Babu Stadium, Hazratganj.

Hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed relishing different dishes in Lucknow and putting this blog post together. Stay tuned for part-II that will have some more drool-worthy Lucknow Food items! Do not miss some exciting travel related posts here.

Don’t miss some interesting posts here

Thrift shopping in India – is it worth the hype?

Thrift shopping is not a new concept, but recently this trend has been flaring up around the world. Thrift shopping in India has become the latest trend amongst the younger generation. Many have also started their own online store to sell second-hand clothes, household goods, etc. There were roughly 8 million hashtags on ‘Thrift shops’, 12.6 million hashtags and over 605k posts on ‘Thrift’ in India alone. These numbers speak for themselves! Thrift shopping is more than just shopping, it is a movement against fast-fashion based on sustainability and affordability.

Thrift Stores in India are on a rise

What is a Thrift Store?

A thrift store is a store, whether online or offline, that sells clothing and accessories that were once worn or used by someone. Sustainability and affordability are at the soul of this trend. Buyers look for pre-loved clothes, bags, shoes, jewellery, etc. that are one of a kind and inexpensive. The best part is that these pre-loved items don’t add to the exploding landfills, instead, they find a new home and are treasured by another buyer yet again. The Pre-loved items bought from a thrift store are easy on the pocket and better for the environment. This is sustainable fashion reduces carbon footprint on our Earth. Thrift shopping is a win-win for all, then be it the seller, buyer or the environment! Thrift shopping in India is quickly gaining popularity for all the right reasons.

Concept of Thrifting

Fast-fashion is also fed by social media and makes consumers believe they need to dress as per the latest styles. Thrifting aims to challenge the growing prominence of fast-fashion, which promotes consumers to buy more frequently at low prices, a trend started by brands like H&M, Zara Shein, etc. In thrifting, Millennials and Gen-Z users upcycle and resell their clothes and accessories. 

Thrift shopping in India

Thrift shopping in India is a bit different from the rest of the world. In India, buying ‘pre-loved’ items is still a taboo. Recently, Millennials and Gen-Z users have started upcycling and reselling their clothes and accessories. This trending is gaining popularity among all the segments of the society. Lately, celebrities like Deepika Padukone, Sonam Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, etc. have given their personal items to thrift stores for them to be sold. Thrift shopping has become the new fad in India. Rebranding second-hand clothes as ‘pre-loved’, ‘thrifted’ clothes has helped in removing the stigma around these clothes among Indians.

Why ‘Thrift’?

There are numerous benefits to buying from a thrift store, you can save money, you help the environment, and so on. You might be surprised by the quality brands you can purchase at a steep discount. Whether you’re looking for a vintage purse or an iconic T-shirt that was only made in the 80s, thrift shops are often your best bet to find items that are no longer in production. Most thrift store support a local charity, which means when you make a purchase, part of what you spensustainability,d goes to a good cause.

Future of Thrifting

Second hand market or ‘Pre-loved’ market is one of the fastest growing sectors in the global fashion marketplace, especially as customers seek affordable and eco-friendly options. According to a report by resale platform ThredUp and the analytics firm GlobalData, global used clothing sales would rise to nearly $77 billion by 2025.

Final Thoughts

How cool is it that shopping can save the world?! I feel we should all consider shopping regularly at thrift stores. When all is said and done, buying to save or make some extra money, buying to support a good cause, and buying to help save the environment are all smart choices. Leave a comment and let me know what stops you from Thrift Shopping in India? Hope you enjoyed reading this, check out some more posts here. Also, don’t forget to check out my thrift store here!

Things to remember before travelling to Kashmir

Preparing well in advance is one of the predominant ingredients for a successful trip. But after my recent trip to Kashmir, I realized that the internet is full of misinformation about this captivating place. There were so many important things that no one told me and hence I decided to write this blog post. I have jotted down a list of things to remember before travelling to Kashmir. So, if you are planning a trip to this heavenly land and want some advice, read on. 

Things to remember before travelling to Kashmir

The safety-

The first question that unfortunately pops in everybody’s head when we talk about things to remember before traveling to Kashmir is, ‘Is it safe?’ In one word, the answer is- Yes. It is absolutely safe to travel to this Paradisical place. The locals are friendly and often go out of their way to help others. I was fortunate enough to live with a native family and was in total awe of how welcoming they were. Kashmir is one of the highest militarized zones in the world. You will see the military almost everywhere. But tourists are never attacked or troubled without a reason in Kashmir.


The Airport-

Google told me to reach 3 hours before the departure, but it didn’t tell me that Srinagar airport is an exceptional case and you should be at the airport at least 4-5 hours before the boarding time and NOT the departure. There are almost 4-5 security checks before you receive your boarding pass and each security check has a long queue. I almost missed my flight, had to leave all the check-in luggage at the airport, and run with my cabin luggage *It still gives me chills when I think about the entire scene!* Also, before you board the plane, make sure you get your luggage identified because if you fail to do so, you won’t be able to receive your luggage later. Do not take any pictures inside the Srinagar airport.

The connectivity-

Prepaid sims don’t work in Jammu and Kashmir, so get an active postpaid sim before traveling to Kashmir, unless you want any communication with the outside world.

The weather- 

I prepared myself for the weather and thought I was carrying everything that would be required, but you should remember before travelling to Kashmir that the weather is very erratic and doesn’t go by the books! Carry a few emergency clothes, spare footwear, socks, quick-dry clothes, sunglasses, a protective cap, a multi-utility shawl, etc.

The emergency situations- 

There are frequent power cuts in some of the areas. It is advisable to carry a power bank with you when travelling to Kashmir. Also, there are very few mobile electronics markets, so take enough memory cards for your camera or mobile as you wouldn’t want to miss any shots! An umbrella, snow boots, a waterproof pouch for the valuables and documents, etc.

Kashmir- Paradise on earth

The Documentation-

Kashmir is still, unfortunately, a conflict zone, so there are a lot of security checks. You need to always carry a valid and original identity proof to be on the safer side. They do not accept xerox copies at checkpoints.

The sightseeing-

When you travel to Kashmir, you can buy the tickets for most of the attractions at the entrance, but a few attractions need to be booked online beforehand, for e.g. Gulmarg Gondola ride. So, keep this in mind and check all the information before travelling to Kashmir. Check out these.

The conclusion-

When Emperor Jehangir declared Kashmir to be the Paradise on Earth, he was absolutely not exaggerating. The snow-clad mountains, the greenery, serene lakes, the weather—everything makes Kashmir an enchanting destination. But the warmth of Kashmir comes from the Kashmiris. I stayed with a local family. These people are a few of the warmest people I have ever met. Jammu and Kashmir is one of the states where there is zero crime record against tourists. Kashmir has one of the lowest crime rates in India. I rarely hear crimes against women in Kashmir, making it an ideal place for female travellers. While these were some of the things to remember before travelling to Kashmir for everyone, do let me know if I missed out on any point. Also, if you are a travel enthusiast, don’t miss this.

Movies not to be missed on Amazon Prime

Movies not to be missed on Amazon Prime in India, keep reading on! Amazon is one of the world’s largest channels, and they have some fantastic selected shows available. Amazon Prime is one of the most well-known OTT services, with a broad range of genres of shows that will keep you hooked for hours.

Man watching television on armchair. Tv and sitting in chair, drinking and eating. Vector flat illustration
  1. Lincoln

Lincoln is a re-enactment of a film from the past and stands top amongst the best movies on Amazon Prime. It’s a biographical historical drama based on Abraham Lincoln. This definitely has to be on the list for movies not to be missed on Amazon Prime in India. If you enjoy history, you will undoubtedly enjoy this film, which revolves around Abraham Lincoln and his genius policies of running the constitution of the United States of America, demonstrating his policies of how to run a government as he was rightly referred to as Honest Abe.

2. Ghost Town

Ricky Gervais’ consistently sharp performance and beautifully dry execution transform this otherwise mainstream comedy into an endearing, funny, and altogether snappy romantic comedy. With ghost!

3. The Big Sick

Big sick, contrary to its name, will not make you sick but will keep you ROFLing on the floor with its amazing comedy delivery. This next best movie on Amazon Prime revolves around a guy from Pakistan who falls in love with his girlfriend, who is in a coma after suffering from an illness. 

4. Hatchi: A Dog’s Tale

Dog lovers, get ready with your tissues because this is one of those films that will make you cry. Hatchi is the story of a small dog who has a special bond with his owner. After his owner’s death, he has no idea where he went, so she returns to the same location where he last saw his master for years! 

5. Kotigobba 3 

Sudeep, also known as Kiccha Sudeep, is one of the most praised stars in the Kannada industry. He has undoubtedly delivered some of the greatest hits in Kannada and other regional languages, but he also has a strong personality that will keep you hooked. Kotigobba 3 is a sequel in which Satya becomes an international criminal, making him a target for many of his enemies.

6. Blow the Man Down

In a remote fishing village on the coast of Maine, two sisters (Morgan Saylor and Sophie Lowe) cover up an accidental murder, the mystery of which begins to take over the rest of the town as local law enforcement works to solve it. This dark comedy, written and directed by Bridget Savage Cole and Danielle Krudy, was secretly one of the best reviewed movies of 2020 and largely overlooked, with all-around great performances and character actors June Squibb and Margo Martindale going head to head.

7. The City of Lost Children (1995)

Jean-Pierre Jeunet’s film Amélie was a huge hit internationally, but you might have missed his even more fantastical previous film, which he co-directed with Marc Caro. I decided to put this movie on the list for Movies not to be missed on Amazon Prime as the storyline is enchanting and different. A strange being lives in an abandoned oil rig and, aging fast due to his inability to dream, kidnaps children from the nearby port city on the coast and steals their dreams to prolong his life.

8. Beautiful Boy

Beautiful Boy is a movie that is based on a true story that first appeared as a best-selling serialized memoir. It’s about a son’s journey through drug abuse and how his relationship with his father evolves. The son is played by Timothée Chalamet (Call Me By Your Name), Carrell is the dad. As you can probably guess, the themes of drug addiction and family are made to induce tears. It can come across as somewhat emotionally manipulative at times. In those moments, it helps to remind oneself that it is based on a true story.

9. The Disaster Artist

A hilarious and smart comedy that is almost impossible to hate. You will find The Disaster Artist extremely enjoyable. It follows the true events surrounding Tommy Wiseau’s making of The Room, a movie so bad it actually became a worldwide hit. Tommy’s character, played by Franco, is 100% mystery. He pops out of nowhere and does and says things that contain little to no logic. Capitalizing on this, the movie is both absolutely hilarious and intriguing from beginning to end.

10. The Florida Project

Every once in a while there are movies that expand the definition of quality film-making. This is one of those movies. Here is an incredible movie that follows three children from poor families who are stuck living in subpar motels. Their lives and friendships are portrayed with honesty and precise aesthetics. It’s a story that at first seems as plot-free as life itself. It succeeds in capturing an innocence that is usually reserved to a child’s imagination. A precarious living condition full of adventures and fun. It’s the kind of film that must be seen to be fully understood and it ends on a very high note.

Do let me know what you think about this list of Movies not to be missed on Amazon Prime in India! Also, don’t forget to check out some cool articles and reviews here.

Gond Katira- Benefits of super healthy herb

Gond Katira, famous for its cooling properties should be incorporated into your daily diet, especially during hot summers. With the warning for Heat Waves being issued in most parts of the country, it is essential to keep yourself hydrated and cool in this scorching heat. In this post, read about an ancient herb that will not only cool you down but also has several health benefits. It is one of the best energy and immunity boosters as well. It is a dissolvable gum that can be mixed in drinks to curb the heat off and avoid heatstroke or sunstroke. Bonus: There’s an easy recipe at the end of the post.

Gond Katira- Benefits and uses of super healthy herb

What is Gond Katira?

Also known as Tragacanth Gum, it is an amazing herb with dual properties of cooling the body in the summer and heating it during the winter. It is a wonderful yet lesser-known herb and you might have heard your grandmother mentioning it for its several benefits! It is an age-old herb that’s famous in Ayurveda for curing diseases like cough, constipation, excessive body heat, etc.

Let’s uncover Gond Katira and its benefits, uses, and how it can benefit you in numerous ways.

Nutrition Value:

The nutritional value of 100 g of Gond Katira is as follows:

  • Calories – 70 kcal
  • Carbohydrates – 35g
  • Fiber – 30g
  • Hydrates – 5g
  • Fats – 0g
  • Sodium – 9g

Gond Katira Benefits

Curing dehydration/treating heat-strokes

Gond Katira is very useful for curing dehydration and treating heat strokes. It has cooling properties and hydrates the body. However, if you are consuming it please remember to drink a lot of water.

Maintaining a good digestive system

Keeping a healthy digestive system is very important for overall health. The health of your digestive system is necessary because it directly impacts the overall health of your body. If you have a weak digestion system means poor health and it also slows down your metabolism.

Gond Katira for Weight Loss

It has high-fiber content that benefits your body by keeping you full for a longer time and improving your gut health. It helps in flushing out toxins from your body and enhances metabolism.

Benefits for Skin and Hair

Gond Katira has anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties that work wonderfully well on fine lines and wrinkles. It is also used to treat various skin conditions including acne, eczema, dry skin, and others. It improves hydration and helps in improving the texture of the skin. It is beneficial for acne, pimples, pigmentation, wound healing, spot reduction, etc. It also benefits your hair health by adding more volume and strengthening. It helps in case of hair loss issues due to its rich calcium and protein content. 

Pro tip: Use this gum in face masks or hair packs for best results.

Gond Katira

Gond Katira for Pain Relief

It helps in reducing all types of body pain. It acts on your nervous system and reduces the sensation of pain. It is also helpful in making your bones stronger due to its rich calcium and magnesium content.

Boosting immunity

It is incredible for boosting immunity and strength. It also works as an antiviral agent to strengthen the immune system. It aids in improving blood circulation by increasing the rate of blood flow. It also has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that help to fight against bacteria and other fungi.


Gond Katira might cause choking or blockage of the intestines if not taken with adequate water intake. Try to increase your water intake whenever you eat Gond Katira in any form.

Easy Recipe


  • 2 Teaspoon Gond Katira
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 Cups thick milk – cold
  • 9 to 12 tablespoons Rooh Afza or Rose Syrup or your favorite syrup
  • Ice cubes – add as required


  1. Add Gond Katira to 2 cups of water. Cover and allow it to soak in water overnight or for 8 to 9 hours.
  2. After it becomes jelly-like, strain the excess water, if any. If it becomes too tight
  3. Then you can add some more water.
  4. In a glass, mix soaked gond and rooh afza or your fav syrup.
  5. Add chilled milk.
  6. Add ice cubes.

Serve it immediately. You can add some chopped dry fruits for garnishing. 

Hope you found this blog post useful, do not forget to read more health tips here, and do let me know if you have any comments, suggestions, questions, etc.

Al Rabi Hiking Trail- All you need to know

Al Rabi Hiking Trail is considered to be one of the best lesser known spots for camping and hiking. Located in Khorfakkan in the United Arab Emirates, roughly one and a half hours away from Dubai. The Al Rabi hiking trail is perfect for both beginners as well as expert hikers/campers. The location provides a breathtaking view of Khor Fakkan city on one side and the majestic Gulf of Oman on the other. A panoramic view that is bound to win everyone’s heart. What makes it unique is that though this place is well-marked yet it hasn’t lost its natural charm. The route is easily accessible and famous amongst everyone as a quick weekend getaway. It has been my go-to place ever since I visited it a couple of years ago, so in this post let’s learn everything you need to know about it and why you should visit it!

Al Rabi Hiking Trail

Al Rabi- About

The Al Rabi Hiking Trail begins at the Al Rabi Tower, one of the first of a series of watchtowers built in the 1915 A.D. in the Khorfakkan city to look out for any trespassers as part of a defense network for Khorfakkan. Hikers can follow a well-marked trail that zigzags up to a 395m summit with scenic views. Khorfakkan city holds hundreds of years of history as a prosperous port and was once attacked by the Portuguese. This is one of the UAE’s most popular spots for hiking and camping because it is doable by the entire family.

Al Rabi Hiking Trail in Khorfakkan

Best time to visit

A comfortable and risk-free trail for beginners and casual hikers. The best (and the most popular) time to do the hike is before sunrise. If you start early enough, you could get the best view at the top in time for sunrise.

Al Rabi Hiking Trail- A safe beginners’ hiking trail that can be comfortably done within a few hours.


  • Comfortable shoes
  • Plenty of water and snacks
  • Cap, sunglasses, scarfs, etc.
  • Sunscreen
  • Mat
  • Garbage bags

Some Tips n Tricks

  • Arrive early to find a parking spot near the Al Rabi tower but if you don’t find a spot, then you’ll have to go back to the starting point.
  • If you plan to hike with children, drop them off near the tower, before looking for parking.
  • There is fresh fruit, vegetable, and meat market on the main road, you can find a washroom there.
  • Go either early morning or late afternoon on a weekday to avoid the rush.
  • The place has a beautiful spot nearby (hardly a 5-10 min drive from Al Rabi Tower) for watching the sunrise… Just in case!!
  • Save the offline Google Map for the place as the network coverage over there can sometimes be unreliable.
  • If you are planning for a full-day trip then do visit the nearby places like Shark Island, Heart Beach, Khorfakkan beach, etc.
  • The Khorfakkan beach has a lot of food trucks, etc.

On the way up, there’s a message from the Ruler of Sharjah, Sheikh Sultan Al Qassimi which reads: ‘God cherished nature. We are wary of man’s tampering with nature. If you love Sultan, appreciate what he has done for nature’. So please, leave nothing but footprints and take nothing but pictures (and great memories)! Hope you enjoyed reading it, do check out the other travel-related posts.