Tag Archives: Tips

Free Lipstick from Mac cosmetics- Here is how to get it!

Did you know you can get a free lipstick from Mac cosmetics for absolutely free! And no, there’s no catch! Read on to know how to avail it. If you are still not sure what I am talking about then head to my Instagram and check out the reel here. As the sustainability movement acquires traction, brands are incentivizing consumers to contribute to their waste reduction efforts. If the promise of a free lipstick from Mac cosmetics sounds exciting to you, look no further than the Back to Mac initiative that rewards diligent customers with a free lipstick of their choice.

Makeup and environment:

According to the United Nations, the global cosmetics industry produces approximately 120 billion units of packaging every year, contributing significantly to plastic waste. Many cosmetic products, such as shampoo bottles, lotion containers, and makeup packaging, are made from single-use plastics. The cosmetic industry often utilizes unreasonable and non-recyclable packaging for its products, contributing to landfill waste. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the packaging of cosmetics and personal care products accounts for a significant portion of non-recycled municipal solid waste. Not just this, consumers frequently dispose of expired or unwanted cosmetic products, which can enter landfills or be incinerated. Some cosmetic products contain hazardous materials that, when improperly disposed of, can pose risks to soil and groundwater.

. Since a mere fraction of this amount is successfully recycled, the culprits comprise everything from the single-use shampoo and conditioner bottles in your daily shower routine to disposable cotton buds and wet wipes that end up as landfill fodder.

Free lipstick from Mac cosmetics

Eye opening facts:

With experts pegging 12 billion tons of plastic waste to be generated by 2050—that’s the equivalent of 35,000 Empire State Building, for reference—the wake-up call from conspicuous to conscious consumption has been long overdue. Factoring in the use-and-dispose nature of beauty products, it should hardly come as a surprise that Zero Waste Week has reported that the global cosmetics industry produces 120 billion units of packaging each year. While consumers are tapping into the call-out culture of social media to press for a circular economy, the beauty industry is responding with a collective step towards sustainable manufacturing by employing the three core tenets of reuse, reduce and recycle. The cardboard boxes that accompany the products alone contribute to the loss of 18 million acres of forests annually.

In a world where sustainability and eco-consciousness are gaining major importance, it’s heartening to see renowned cosmetic brands like Mac Cosmetics India stepping up their game. Mac Cosmetics has long been associated with high-quality makeup products, but they are also making strides towards a greener and more reliable future. One of their most enticing initiatives is the “Bring Back Empties and Get a Free Lipstick” program. In this blog post, we’ll explore Mac Cosmetics India’s eco-friendly initiative and how it benefits both customers and the environment.

Free lipstick by Mac Cosmetics India Initiative:

Mac Cosmetics India launched a brilliant initiative that not only encourages responsible disposal but also rewards customers for their commitment to sustainability. The initiative is simple yet impactful: return six empty Mac product containers to any Mac store in India, and in return, you get a brand new Mac lipstick of your choice as a token of their appreciation.

What Makes This Initiative Special?

  1. Promoting Recycling: The main goal of this initiative is to reduce waste. By incentivizing customers to return empty containers, Mac Cosmetics is actively contributing to the promotion of recycling. This move not only prevents these containers from ending up in landfills but also reduces the demand for new plastic packaging.
  2. Rewarding Customer Loyalty: Mac Cosmetics values its loyal customers and is willing to reward them for their commitment. Offering a free lipstick is a wonderful way to show gratitude and keep customers engaged with the brand.
  3. Choice of Lipstick: Mac offers a vast range of lipstick shades and formulas. This means that customers can choose the lipstick that best suits their preferences, ensuring they receive a product they’ll love and use.

How to Participate in free lipstick from Mac initiative:

Participating in this eco-friendly initiative is pretty easy and straightforward:

  1. Collect Empties: Start collecting empty Mac product containers. These can be lipstick tubes, foundation bottles, eyeshadow palettes, or any other Mac product packaging (that can be recycled).
  2. Visit a Mac Store: Locate a Mac store near you and bring your six empty containers with you. In India, this initiative is not available online and so you will have to visit any nearest store.
  3. Choose Your Lipstick: Once you’ve handed over your empties, you can choose your free Mac lipstick, and pick your favourite shade. With so many shades and finishes available, you’re bound to find your perfect match!
  4. Enjoy Your Lipstick: Walk away with a brand new free lipstick from mac cosmetics that not only enhances your beauty but also contributes to a greener planet.


Mac Cosmetics India’s “Bring Back Empties and Get a Free Lipstick” initiative is a win-win for everyone involved. Customers are rewarded for their loyalty and eco-conscious efforts, and the environment benefits from reduced waste. This program serves as an excellent example of how responsible corporate initiatives can make a positive impact on the world we live in.

So, next time you finish up a Mac product, don’t toss the container away; instead, return it to a Mac store and enjoy the satisfaction of contributing to a sustainable future while adding a new lipstick to your collection. It’s a small step with a big impact. Hope you enjoyed reading this, check out more such tips and tricks here.

Confessions of a Former Nail-Biter: How I Kickstarted My Nail Growth

From hiding my nails in my pockets to flaunting them, my nail growth journey has been quite a rollercoaster ride! Let’s begin with this: there’s no proven way to speed up nail growth. But, the good news is that many remedies can strengthen the nails and keep them from breaking, giving them a better possibility of staying healthy and looking good. While nail polishes and salon treatments promise quick fixes, the real strength and beauty of your nails come from within. If you’re tired of weak nails, you’re in the right place. In this blogpost, we’ll explore how to strengthen your nails naturally, without resorting to harsh chemicals or expensive salon treatments.

Nail health is a reflection of your overall well-being, so we’ll delve into the dietary and lifestyle factors that play a crucial role. You’ll also discover a range of home remedies, tips, and tricks that can help you achieve the strong, gorgeous nails you’ve always wanted. Let’s get started on the journey to naturally healthier nails!

The Role of Diet in Nail Growth

Your nails are like a mirror reflecting your overall health. To strengthen them naturally, start from the inside out. Nutrients play a vital role in nail growth, and incorporating the following elements into your diet can make a significant difference:

Nutrients for Nail Growth:

  • Protein: Nails are primarily composed of a protein called keratin. Ensuring an adequate intake of protein-rich foods like lean meats, fish, eggs, and legumes can promote stronger nails.
  • Biotin: Also known as vitamin H, biotin is essential for nail growth. Include foods like nuts, seeds, and dairy products in your diet to boost your biotin intake.
  • Iron: Iron deficiency can often lead to weak and brittle nails. Incorporate iron-rich foods like spinach, lentils, and lean red meat into your meals.

Foods to Incorporate in Your Diet:

  • Leafy Greens: Spinach, kale, and Swiss chard are excellent sources of vitamins and minerals that support nail growth.
  • Berries: Blueberries, strawberries, and blackberries contain antioxidants that protect your nails from damage.
  • Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, walnuts, and flaxseeds provide biotin, healthy fats, and zinc, all beneficial for nail strength.
  • Fatty Fish: Salmon, mackerel, and sardines are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which reduce inflammation and promote nail health.

The Importance of Hydration:

Staying well-hydrated is vital for overall health and nail strength. Water helps transport nutrients to your nails and prevents them from becoming dry and brittle. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water a day to keep your nails and body hydrated.

Nail-Friendly Supplements

In addition to a nutrient-rich diet, supplements can give your nails an extra boost. Here are some supplements known for their nail-strengthening benefits:

Biotin: Also known as vitamin B7, biotin is a go-to supplement for nail growth. It promotes keratin production, leading to healthier and more resilient nails.

Vitamin E: This powerful antioxidant helps protect your nails from damage caused by free radicals. It’s available in supplement form and can also be found in foods like almonds and sunflower seeds.

Iron: Iron deficiency can lead to brittle nails. If you have a known iron deficiency, consider taking an iron supplement under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Omega-3s reduce inflammation and promote nail growth. You can find them in fish oil supplements or by increasing your intake of fatty fish like salmon and trout.

Before adding supplements to your routine, consult with a healthcare provider to ensure they are safe and suitable for you.

Healthy Nail Care Practices

Proper nail care is essential for maintaining strong and beautiful nails. Follow these practices to prevent damage and promote natural nail strength:

Proper Nail Trimming: Trim your nails regularly with clean, sharp clippers. File them in one direction to avoid splitting.

Protecting Your Nails: Wear gloves when doing household chores or gardening to prevent exposure to harsh chemicals and excessive moisture.

Avoiding Harmful Habits: Refrain from biting your nails, and avoid using them as tools for tasks like opening soda cans or removing stickers. These habits can weaken and damage your nails.

Natural Nail Strengthening Remedies

Growing your nails quickly involves a combination of proper nail care, a balanced diet, and simple home remedies. While it’s important to note that nails grow at a relatively slow and consistent rate, typically about 2-3 millimeters per month, you can encourage healthy nail growth with these easy home remedies: If you’re looking for natural ways to strengthen your nails, consider these home remedies:

Nourish with Vitamin E:

  • Vitamin E is known to promote nail growth by improving blood circulation to the nail bed and providing essential nutrients.
  • Apply vitamin E oil or cream to your nails and cuticles daily. Gently massage it in to stimulate blood flow and moisturize the nail bed.

Olive Oil Soak:

  • Soak your nails in warm, extra virgin olive oil for 15-20 minutes, several times a week. This helps keep your nails hydrated and promotes growth.
  • Soaking your nails in warm water with a pinch of salt and a few drops of olive oil can help moisturize and strengthen them.

Coconut Oil Moisturizing: Apply coconut oil to your nails and cuticles regularly to keep them hydrated and healthy.

  • Lemon Juice Therapy: Lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent that can also strengthen your nails. It contains vitamin C, which aids collagen production, essential for healthy nails.
  • Mix lemon juice with olive oil and soak your nails in the solution for a few minutes daily.
  • Mix equal parts lemon juice and warm water and soak your nails for 10-15 minutes. Rinse and moisturize afterward.

Horsetail Herb Infusion:

  • Horsetail herb is rich in silica, a mineral that promotes nail and hair growth.
  • Brew horsetail herb tea, let it cool, and soak your nails in it for 20 minutes once a week.

Use Garlic:

  • Garlic contains selenium, which is beneficial for nail health.
  • Crush a garlic clove and mix it with a few drops of olive oil. Apply this mixture to your nails and leave it on for 15-20 minutes before rinsing.

Tea Tree Oil for Nail Fungus: If you’re dealing with nail fungus, tea tree oil has antifungal properties. Apply diluted tea tree oil to the affected nails regularly.

Baking Soda Scrub: Make a paste with baking soda and water, then gently scrub your nails with it. This can help remove stains and strengthen your nails.

These natural treatments can be incorporated into your nail care routine for added strength and resilience.

Most Effective Serum for Nail Growth:

Creating a homemade nail serum for growth is a simple and cost-effective way to promote healthy nail growth. This serum helped me tremendously. Check out the quick recipe here. Here’s a recipe for a DIY nail growth serum:


  1. Sweet Almond Oil: Almond oil is rich in vitamin E, which helps nourish and moisturize the nails and cuticles. It also contains essential fatty acids that support healthy nail growth.
  2. Jojoba Oil: Jojoba oil is known for its similarity to the natural oils produced by the skin and nails. It can help moisturize and strengthen the nails.
  3. Vitamin E Oil: Vitamin E oil is a potent antioxidant that promotes healthy nail growth and prevents damage.
  4. Castor Oil: Helps in hydrating the nail bed and the cuticles.
  5. Tea Tree Oil (optional): It has antifungal and antibacterial properties, which can help maintain nail health.
    • You can buy these ingredients from here.

How to prepare:

  • 1 tablespoon Sweet Almond Oil
  • 1 tablespoon Jojoba Oil
  • 1 tablespoon Castor Oil
  • A few drops of Vitamin E Oil (from a vitamin E capsule)
  • 5-10 drops of Tea Tree Oil 
  • Lavender Oil (optional, for fragrance and added benefits)

Mix the Oils:

  • In a small glass bottle or dropper bottle, combine all the ingredients.
  • If you’re using the lavender essential oil, add it to the mixture for a pleasant fragrance and added nail health benefits.

Shake Well:

  • Close the bottle securely and shake it well to ensure that all the oils are thoroughly mixed.

How to Apply:

  • Apply a small amount of the serum to your clean, dry nails and cuticles.
  • Gently massage the serum into your nails and cuticles for a few minutes.
  • Leave the serum on for at least 20-30 minutes to allow the oils to penetrate and nourish the nails.
  • For best results, you can leave it on overnight by wearing cotton gloves to prevent staining your sheets.
  • To see noticeable improvements in nail growth and health, use the serum daily or a few times a week.
  • Store the serum in a cool, dark place to preserve the freshness and effectiveness of the oils. A small amber glass bottle is ideal for storage.

Using this DIY nail growth serum regularly can help moisturize, strengthen, and promote healthy nail growth. Remember that results may take some time to become evident, so be patient and consistent with your nail care routine.

The Power of Maintaining Hygiene

Maintaining good hygiene is crucial for nail health. Here are some hygiene tips to consider:

Cleanliness and Infection Prevention: Keep your nails clean to prevent bacterial or fungal infections. Use a soft nail brush to clean under your nails regularly.

Choosing Nail Care Products Wisely: Opt for nail polishes and treatments that are free of harmful chemicals like formaldehyde, toluene, and dibutyl phthalate (DBP). Look for products labeled “3-free” or “5-free.”

Lifestyle Choices for Stronger Nails

Your lifestyle choices can significantly impact the strength and health of your nails. Consider the following factors:

Stress Management: High-stress levels can lead to nail problems. Practice stress-reduction techniques like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing exercises.

Adequate Sleep: Ensure you get enough quality sleep each night. Sleep is essential for the body’s repair and regeneration processes, which include nail growth.

Regular Exercise: Exercise improves blood circulation, which can benefit nail health. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week.

How to Repair Damaged Nails

If your nails are already damaged, don’t worry. There are steps you can take to help them recover:

Healing Nail Beds: Avoid applying nail polish for a while to let your nails breathe. Use a nourishing nail and cuticle oil to moisturize your nails daily.

Covering Up Damage: If your nails have visible damage or are discolored, you can use a nail buffer to smooth the surface. Apply a clear strengthening nail serum to protect them.

Giving Your Nails Time to Recover: Be patient. It can take several weeks or even months for damaged nails to fully recover. Continue with your healthy nail care routine, and you’ll see improvement over time.

Natural Nail Polish or breathable Options

If you love colorful nails, there are non-toxic nail polish brands available that offer a safer alternative to traditional polishes. Look for brands that are free from harmful chemicals and offer a wide range of colors. Alternatively, try your hand at DIY nail art using non-toxic, water-based nail polishes or breathable nail polishes.

FAQs About Nail Growth

Can I make my nails grow faster?

Nail growth rate is largely determined by genetics, but you can promote healthy growth by following a balanced diet, maintaining good hygiene, and avoiding damaging habits.

How long does it take for nails to strengthen naturally?

The time it takes for nails to strengthen naturally varies from person to person. It can take several weeks to a few months to notice a significant improvement, depending on the extent of damage and your commitment to nail care.

Are there any natural remedies for nail fungus?

Yes, tea tree oil is a natural remedy for nail fungus. Apply diluted tea tree oil to the affected nails daily. However, it’s essential to consult a healthcare provider for severe cases of nail fungus.


Achieving stronger, healthier nails naturally is a journey that requires dedication and patience. By focusing on your diet, adopting healthy nail care practices, and using natural remedies, you can improve the strength and appearance of your nails without resorting to harsh chemicals or expensive treatments. Remember that nail health is a reflection of your overall well-being, so taking steps to promote your general health will also benefit your nails. Start implementing these tips today, and you’ll be well on your way to naturally beautiful, strong nails that you can proudly flaunt!

Hope you enjoyed reading this, don’t forget to read more such tips here.

Gond Katira- Benefits of super healthy herb

Gond Katira, famous for its cooling properties should be incorporated into your daily diet, especially during hot summers. With the warning for Heat Waves being issued in most parts of the country, it is essential to keep yourself hydrated and cool in this scorching heat. In this post, read about an ancient herb that will not only cool you down but also has several health benefits. It is one of the best energy and immunity boosters as well. It is a dissolvable gum that can be mixed in drinks to curb the heat off and avoid heatstroke or sunstroke. Bonus: There’s an easy recipe at the end of the post.

Gond Katira- Benefits and uses of super healthy herb

What is Gond Katira?

Also known as Tragacanth Gum, it is an amazing herb with dual properties of cooling the body in the summer and heating it during the winter. It is a wonderful yet lesser-known herb and you might have heard your grandmother mentioning it for its several benefits! It is an age-old herb that’s famous in Ayurveda for curing diseases like cough, constipation, excessive body heat, etc.

Let’s uncover Gond Katira and its benefits, uses, and how it can benefit you in numerous ways.

Nutrition Value:

The nutritional value of 100 g of Gond Katira is as follows:

  • Calories – 70 kcal
  • Carbohydrates – 35g
  • Fiber – 30g
  • Hydrates – 5g
  • Fats – 0g
  • Sodium – 9g

Gond Katira Benefits

Curing dehydration/treating heat-strokes

Gond Katira is very useful for curing dehydration and treating heat strokes. It has cooling properties and hydrates the body. However, if you are consuming it please remember to drink a lot of water.

Maintaining a good digestive system

Keeping a healthy digestive system is very important for overall health. The health of your digestive system is necessary because it directly impacts the overall health of your body. If you have a weak digestion system means poor health and it also slows down your metabolism.

Gond Katira for Weight Loss

It has high-fiber content that benefits your body by keeping you full for a longer time and improving your gut health. It helps in flushing out toxins from your body and enhances metabolism.

Benefits for Skin and Hair

Gond Katira has anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties that work wonderfully well on fine lines and wrinkles. It is also used to treat various skin conditions including acne, eczema, dry skin, and others. It improves hydration and helps in improving the texture of the skin. It is beneficial for acne, pimples, pigmentation, wound healing, spot reduction, etc. It also benefits your hair health by adding more volume and strengthening. It helps in case of hair loss issues due to its rich calcium and protein content. 

Pro tip: Use this gum in face masks or hair packs for best results.

Gond Katira

Gond Katira for Pain Relief

It helps in reducing all types of body pain. It acts on your nervous system and reduces the sensation of pain. It is also helpful in making your bones stronger due to its rich calcium and magnesium content.

Boosting immunity

It is incredible for boosting immunity and strength. It also works as an antiviral agent to strengthen the immune system. It aids in improving blood circulation by increasing the rate of blood flow. It also has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that help to fight against bacteria and other fungi.


Gond Katira might cause choking or blockage of the intestines if not taken with adequate water intake. Try to increase your water intake whenever you eat Gond Katira in any form.

Easy Recipe


  • 2 Teaspoon Gond Katira
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 Cups thick milk – cold
  • 9 to 12 tablespoons Rooh Afza or Rose Syrup or your favorite syrup
  • Ice cubes – add as required


  1. Add Gond Katira to 2 cups of water. Cover and allow it to soak in water overnight or for 8 to 9 hours.
  2. After it becomes jelly-like, strain the excess water, if any. If it becomes too tight
  3. Then you can add some more water.
  4. In a glass, mix soaked gond and rooh afza or your fav syrup.
  5. Add chilled milk.
  6. Add ice cubes.

Serve it immediately. You can add some chopped dry fruits for garnishing. 

Hope you found this blog post useful, do not forget to read more health tips here, and do let me know if you have any comments, suggestions, questions, etc.

Hair masks that work like magic!

Hair masks don’t cost a fortune but they have wonderful (short as well as long term) effects on your hair and scalp It doesn’t matter how promising a store-bought hair mask is, it cannot beat the hair masks that our moms and our grand-moms told us about (but we have been too lazy to try!)! I have summed up my 5 all-time favorite DIY hair masks. Try one of these tonight, and I promise your hair will thank you for it!

If I am not out and If I am not procrastinating then there’s a pretty decent chance you’d find me at home, preparing DIY hair masks or face masks for my friends (Hello sustainable living and zero-waste lifestyle!). If it’s a food item, you can guarantee I’ve smeared it on my face/body/hair—which means I’m also totally aware of what ingredients work and what ingredients I dare not touch! Trust me when I say there are many, many horrible recipes out there on the internet (We have all seen influencers dancing and swearing by Baking Soda for skincare. *grunts*) that are crap and I wouldn’t even bother to test them out. So, to save you from a probable hair disaster, save this blog post and share it with someone to show that you care for them **cough it would be a great conversation starter cough**

Photo by Erick Larregui on Unsplash

Hair masks for Dry and Frizzy Hair

Want to smoothen that dry and frizzy hair? Then prepare this hair mask that will make your hair soft and lustrous. This hair mask works better for every hair, mainly beneficial for dry and frizzy hair. 

You need:

  • Very Ripe Banana
  • Yogurt – 4-5 teaspoon
  • Honey – 2 teaspoon
  • Olive or Almond Oil- 1 teaspoon


  • Ensure that the banana is very ripe (next time, don’t throw bananas when they turn black!) Mash it in a blender till it becomes thick paste-like.
  • Mix Yogurt, Honey, and your choice of Oil to this paste.
  • Apply this hair mask to moist hair from top to bottom.
  • Tie your hair up and you may cover it using a shower cap.
  • Leave it on for 30 minutes.
  • Then, wash as usual.

Hair Mask for Oily Hair

If you have oily hair that gets greasy after 1-2 days, this mask is for you.

You need:

  • Besan
  • Methi seeds
  • Coconut milk


  • Soak Methi seeds overnight, next day grind them.
  • Mix it with Besan and Coconut.
  • Apply it to the scalp and massage.
  • Let it sit for 30 minutes then wash as usual.

Multitasking Mask Hero!

As the name suggests, this hair mask is a multitasking mask then will make your hair shiny, smooth, remove dandruff and this also helps in controlling hair fall. Don’t be overwhelmed by the list of ingredients, this hair mask works like a wonder and you wouldn’t regret the efforts you’ll put into preparing it! 

You need:

  • Onion Juice
  • Honey
  • Yogurt
  • Curry Leaves
  • Cinnamon
  • Castor Oil


  • Mix Onion juice, Honey, Castor Oil, and Yoghurt.
  • Grind and make a paste of curry leaves.
  • Mix everything, add a pinch of cinnamon
  • Apply to the scalp, then from roots to end.
  • Wash as usual

Hair mask to Boost Hair Growth

If you are experiencing unusual hair fall, then this is what you should go for. Remember, a good diet, proper sleep, and exercise play huge importance, and then comes what you do externally with your hair.

You need:

  • Aloe Vera Gel (natural is preferred else go for good quality if store-bought aloe gel)
  • Castor Oil
  • Indian Gooseberry (fresh or powder)
  • Brahmi powder
  • Black seed
  • Methi or Fenugreek seeds


  • Soak overnight black seeds and fenugreek seeds.
  • Grind and make a paste of it.
  • Mix the liquid ingredients.
  • Apply to the scalp and then from the roots to the ends.
  • Leave it for 40 minutes and then wash as usual

Hair Mask for hair fall

One more mask for hair fall, this one doesn’t need a lot of ingredients like the previous one.

You need:

  • Flax seeds (soaked overnight)
  • Coconut oil


Watch the tutorial here.

Q. When and how often should I use hair masks?

A. Ideally, a hair mask should be applied once a week. However, if your hair is very dry and greasy, you can start using it more than once but pay attention to how your hair behaves after using a hair mask. Choosing the right ingredients for your hair type is everything.

Q. How long should I keep hair masks for?

A. Preferably, keep hair masks till they get absorbed (30+ minutes). However, if you feel your hair is very dry and unhealthy, you can use it for 40+ minutes. On the other hand, if your hair is in good condition, you can use it for 10-15 minutes as well.

Q. How do I select the hair masks?

A. Select a Hair mask according to your hair type. You should identify what your hair needs the most and choose a mask according to it.

If you are someone who enjoys home remedies and DIY masks then don’t miss these posts. Hope you enjoyed reading it and do let me know if you are looking for something specific.

Investing in Cryptocurrency In the UAE

What is Cryptocurrency?

Let’s talk about Investing in Cryptocurrency In the UAE but before that, let’s understand what Cryptocurrency means. You may be familiar with the most popular versions, Bitcoin and Ethereum, but there are more than 4,000 different cryptocurrencies in circulation. In simple terms, cryptocurrency is decentralized digital money, based on blockchain technology. Part of the appeal of this technology is its security. You can use crypto to buy goods and services, although many people invest in cryptocurrencies as they would in other assets. While cryptocurrency is an interesting asset class, buying it is risky and you must take on a fair amount of research to fully understand how each system wors

Investing in Cryptocurrency In the UAE

Many companies have announced their cryptocurrencies, often called tokens, and these can be exchanged specifically for the good or service that the company provides. Think of them as you would arcade tokens or casino chips. You’ll need to exchange real currency for the cryptocurrency to access the good or service.

Investing in Bitcoin In the UAE?

UAE was also unknown and unfamiliar with cryptocurrency until 2018 when the country made investing in Cryptocurrency in the UAE legal. The move was welcomed by all and sundry and soon investing in Cryptocurrency in the UAE saw a trend like never before. The Dubai Blockchain Strategy envisions making Dubai one of the first cities to entirely adopt blockchain technology and even integrate it in government effectiveness. Today, UAE cryptocurrency is actively becoming part of the global trend.
To become a pioneer in blockchain technology, the UAE has launched the UAE Blockchain Strategy 2021, according to which 50% of government transactions will be conducted using blockchain technology by 2021.
To safeguard the interest of the people who are investing in cryptocurrency in the UAE and to prevent any dubious activity, the government has already started taking the necessary precautionary steps.

How to invest in Cryptocurrency in the UAE?

While there are plenty of platforms available to buy and transact in cryptocurrency in the UAE, the one that I personally trust and I find extremely user friendly is BitOasis You can create an account for free by clicking here.

Final Words

Talking about the future of investing in cryptocurrency in the UAE, the UAE landscape is very favourable for blockchain and cryptocurrencies and hence the authorities are increasingly contemplating organizing such business activities and attending to the market demands and protecting the interests of consumers, businesses, and investors.

Hope you found this article useful and do not forget to check more tips/tricks and suggestions here.

Save money on pets – A complete guide

Save money on pets while still spoiling them! We all consider our pets our children and let us agree that we all want to spoil our fur-babies! But that doesn’t mean you can’t find ways to save money on pet care. For example, you can buy lavish pet-food, but on sale. You can build elaborate (or simple) pet furniture, instead of paying a heap of money for it. Here are some tips and tricks that I learnt while taking care of my 7 (yes!) fur-babies.

How to save money on pets

1. Adopt Instead of Buying

This has to be the thumb rule, “buying” animals is unethical as Most breeders and “Pet Markets” keep animals in terrible conditions and also the pets carry a lot of diseases due to cross-breeding and over-breeding. The breeder price for a dog is multiples higher than the cost of adopting one from a shelter. You’ll probably save money on pets by getting your dog or cat from a shelter, and you could also save a life. Also, most shelters or rescue groups have the option for a “Trial adoption period” or you can request for “fostering a pet” that helps you in understanding your future fur-baby in a better way. If, due to any reason you can’t commit for the long term, you should always go for Fostering, read more about it here.

2. Always Buy In Bulk

If you want to save money on pets then when shopping for dogs and cats, then always buy in bulk.  Dry kibble tends to be more cost-effective than canned food. If you buy large bags of kibble in bulk be sure to preserve small portions in plastic bags or purchase an airtight storage container. Additionally, don’t be afraid to think outside the box, you may have some friends with pets who might be willing to split a jumbo bag of food. Look for deals online.

3. Store Pet Food Properly

Alright, so you bought pet food in bulk but now if you don’t store it properly you will not exactly be able to save money on pets but instead spending more. I discovered early on that our cats refuse their food if it’s too old — and then we have to throw it away. Even if we just overfill their dishes and the remainder sits there overnight, they won’t touch it. ALWAYS check the expiration date for your pet food, take out a little at a time and store it properly to keep it fresh.

4. Make Your Own Toys

Yes, you read that right! This one has a number of benefits, you will be saving money, the planet (Reduce, Recycle and Reuse!). Your pet has no clue how much you spent on a toy, only whether or not it’s fun to play with! Honestly, it is a lot of fun, especially now that we are all stuck in our houses in this pandemic (I am writing this in the year 2020 when the Covid-19 turned our lives upside down!)

5. Avoid Expensive Fashion Items

This one is hard to resist, I mean have you seen those cute pet-vests or those fancy little hats (!!) but believe me, I have taken that road and it is Expensive! Most pets, however, don’t need these expensive accessories, so save your money and stick with purchasing only necessary apparel, like a well-made collar, an ID tag and a comfortable leash. If you really want to get something fancy then there are plenty of DIY tutorials that will help you in making these items at home.

6. Learn to Groom at Home

Pet grooming is important and should not be skipped but there are a number of procedures you can perform yourself instead of visiting an expensive groomer. Take the time to learn how to groom your pets at home, buy your products, create a grooming kit, schedule weekly/monthly grooming sessions at home. Not only will this help you in saving heaps of money but also you will get a better understanding of your pet’s overall health and grooming is another opportunity to bond with your pet. Save money on pets and bond with your furry friends, Win-Win!

7. Use generic items

Pet blankets, Pet towels, Pet food bowls and what not! All these items are marketed at almost more than double the price just cause the item has “Pet” word attached to it, though it does exactly the same work! Read about the item you are looking for, buy a generic product and use it for your pets. For instance, instead of a Pet Bowl, you can buy steel or ceramic bowl from a store.

8. Have Your Pets Spayed or Neutered

If you adopt a pet then they will most likely be spayed or neutered when you pick them up, if not, get them spayed or neutered before it is too late. Those little ones are cute but if you are trying to save money on pets, spending the money to have them fixed will be a lot less than having to care for a pregnant mama and little ones.

9. Go for used items

There are many pet owners that sell their almost new pet items due to various reasons, get in touch with them, buying used items will save you a lot of money. Join Facebook groups of your community or pet rescue groups, there are also lots of apps/websites that sell used items. However, always clean and sanitize items before letting your pets play/use it, you don’t want any infections to be passed on to them.

10. Save on Treats

Pets love treats and it would be unfair not to give them some yummy treats from time to time but keeping in mind that these treats are expensive you can cut down on the expenses by making your own treats at home or buying in bulk. Making treats at home is simple and also a good way to ensure that you make it nutritious.

11. Exercise Your Pet

Pets that don’t get enough exercise can turn into troublemakers, or even become utterly destructive! Replacing chewed up furniture is a massive expense, and you can avoid it by making sure your pet has a healthy outlet for all their energy!

Make sure to take your dog on regular walks, and be sure to give cats proper exercise too. Some cats love dangly toys, others love chasing laser pointers, and others prefer climbing. Try out a few things to find the best way to keep your dog or cat active!

12. Buy Cheaper Bags

When it comes to picking up dog or cat poop, literally any bag will do! Since many pet owners have to buy poop bags frequently, make sure you’re getting a good deal on them or best is to utilize all those grocery bags or shopping bags for this.

Mental Health- How to take care of it.

A couple of months into the coronavirus pandemic, the world is already on the verge of another health crisis, with daily doses of death, isolation and fear generating widespread psychological trauma.

Mental health is an issue that has been on a rise since the Global Pandemic came into existence. This is a topic that we are still not very vocal about and has a stigma attached to it. Though, we have come a long way yet there is a long way to go when it comes to Mental Health. Many celebrities and social media influencers have now started opening up about their stories and have encouraged others to do the same. In this post, I will not only talk about this Taboo topic but also will try to discuss some important points related to mental health.

The A-B-C of Mental Health

Attitudes toward mental illness and those that live with mental health problems have perpetuated stigma and discrimination since the very beginning of humankind. Today, even in nations where ample attempts have been made to better understand mental health and work on destigmatization, those experiencing mental health problems still find themselves isolated. 

What is Mental Health?

WHO defines Mental Health as “A state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.”

The WHO stress that mental health is “more than just the absence of mental disorders or disabilities.” Peak mental health is about not only avoiding active conditions but also looking after ongoing wellness and happiness. They also emphasize that preserving and restoring mental health is crucial on an individual basis, as well as throughout different communities and societies the world over.

What do the statistics say?

  • Mental health problems are one of the main contributors to the overall disease burden and disability worldwide.
  • One in four individuals are estimated to live with mental illness globally, although there has been some contention on this figure through the years, and more recent data suggests this number is closer to one in six.
  • An overview of the prevalence of the most common mental illnesses reveal that an estimated:
    • 264–300 million individuals worldwide live with depression;
    • 284–300 million live with anxiety-related disorders;
    • 46–60 million live with the bipolar affective disorder;
    • 20–23 million live with schizophrenia;
    • 16 million live with eating disorders.

Perceptions of mental ill-health

  • Over a third of the public think people with a mental health issue are likely to be violent
  • People with severe mental illness are more likely to be the victims, rather than the perpetrators, of violent crime
  • People with mental ill-health are more dangerous to themselves than to others: 80-90% of people who die by suicide are experiencing mental distress
  • Poor mental health impacts on individuals and their families, in lost income, lower educational attainment, quality of life and a much shorter life span

How to look after your Mental Health?

Express Yourself

Human beings have emotions and an urge to express but in the present scenario, we have mastered the skill to curb them. We pretend we are happy when actually that’s not how we feel and by doing this we are damaging our mental wellbeing and isn’t good for one’s Mental Health if done on a regular basis this practice can push us in a mind space that is really unhealthy. This vicious cycle drags us into depression, anxiety, a feeling of emptiness and what not. So, guys feel free to express.

Give yourself a Break

No, I am not talking about going on that trip you wanted to or taking a break from social media. We Millenials do all this often. I am talking about taking a break from all the overthinking you have been doing lately, the negative thinking and also the comparing yourselves with others. Because, going on a beach vacation and hating yourself of not having the perfect beach body(well girls, that does not exist .you are perfect in your own unique way just embrace it and see the magic unfold)ain’t gonna help. So, just take a break.

Let’s Stop this stigma

Give priority to Self-Love

These days self-love is trending #1 but have we ever thought what actually the word means? Self- love does not only mean solo trips, visit a spa, looking after your physical well being(all that is also important) but the actual fabric of it is embracing yourself as you are and connecting with your inner being. Self-love is a space where you are in complete harmony with yourself. Being your own soul mate first.

The Magic of Positive Thinking

It is not at all difficult to think positively all the time. Some of us think it is not humanly possible to always be okay about everything. Well yes, you are right but we can at least not magnify the problems by being calm and finding a solution. Positive thinking is just the effort we are not ready to make. Why is it too hard to think good about someone or for that matter of yourself or any situation. We just have to make an effort.

Talk to ‘Dear Diary’

There are times when it’s difficult to stay sane and not let the anxiety creep in. Times when life is hitting hard on us, we are not able to cope up and have that balanced and organised life that we want. That is when your journal becomes your hero. Get a journal and just starting writing whatever comes to your mind, spill out all your thoughts and then read it aloud. when your thoughts are on paper it’s easy to sort them out, organize and take actions. I suggest journal every day or do it once a week, twice a month frankly whatever suits you.

Take a stand for Yourself

Remember taking care of yourself is in your own hands so do it right. I myself have been struggling with my mental health and all these steps really helped me evolve, if it worked for me it will work for you as well just have faith!

Hope you enjoyed reading the post, keep yourself busy and learn some new tips and tricks while staying at home, read here.

About the Author-
The author of this post wishes to remain be known by her pen name, i.e. A Brown Girl.
She is a multi-talented interior designer who loves French language and is a writer by choice.
You may follow her podcast here.

How to make healthy Vegan Chocolate Date balls

Eating junk while stuck in quarantine? Here’s a recipe for Healthy Vegan Chocolate Date Balls, these are tasty, healthy and easy to prepare!

As experts recommend that even those who show no sign of illness stay home during this time of the global pandemic. That’s right: It’s advised that you self-quarantine. Although remaining inside is a good way to protect yourself and others from the coronavirus, and is an important measure to help “flatten the curve”, it could lead to a lesser evil: boredom and stir craziness!!

How to make healthy Vegan Chocolate Date balls

I’m a huge fan of healthy snacks, mainly because I’m one of those people who needs something to munch ALL the time! But so often, snacks from the store are loaded with sugar, fat, salt, or some combination of the three. So. this time I decided to make my own snacks. These Energy balls are filled with the goodness of dates, nuts and taste oh so good and are suitable for Vegans and Vegetarians. I’m such a huge fan of energy balls because I can take them anywhere, and they keep me satiated until dinnertime!

What you need:

  • Pitted Medjool dates: This is the main ingredient, these dates are large, soft, chewy, and VERY sweet. They are amazing, soft, easy to grind and full of nutrients.
  • Natural almond butter: The only ingredient should be almonds. Use good quality of natural almond butter.
  • Unsweetened cocoa powder: I like to use natural cocoa powder, but you can use Dutch-processed cocoa powder if you prefer. It’s milder and not as acidic as natural cocoa powder.
  • Vanilla extract: Try to use the real thing – pure vanilla extract – and not the artificially flavoured stuff.

Optional ingredients:

  • Cinnamon powder: Make sure it’s fresh! A stale spice can easily ruin a dish. I like to add a pinch of freshly grounded cinnamon but it is optional. This gives a very nice and rich aroma.
  • Toppings: You may add toppings if you want.  Cocoa powder, unsweetened shredded coconut, nuts, sesame seeds, etc. (time to get creative!)
Healthy Vegan Chocolate Date balls

How to make Healthy Vegan Chocolate Date Balls?

  1. Process the ingredients (except for the topping ingredients) in your food processor. They will turn into dough.
  2. Quickly knead the dough. Divide it into balls and roll them in the toppings. (Wear gloves or oil your hand, it will make the process so much easier.)
  3. Refrigerate them for an hour before enjoying your Healthy Vegan Chocolate Date Balls.

Some tips for making Healthy Vegan Chocolate Date Balls:

Roughly chop the dates, if needed — If your food processor is older or the blade is slightly dull, you might have to roughly chop the dates before pureeing them. This will make blending all the ingredients together much easier and faster!

Use high-quality ingredients — Because these Healthy Vegan Chocolate Date Balls are so easy to make and use so few ingredients, it’s really important that you use the best ingredients you can get your hands on. If you buy the cheapest ingredients that your grocery store sells, these date balls will not taste the best (Which you don’t want!). You may also want to use pure vanilla extract, if possible.

Use unsweetened coconut — If you’re new to the world of energy balls, you might be doubting the sweetening power of dates. But trust me, these Healthy Vegan Chocolate Date Balls are plenty sweet enough thanks to the dates. If you roll them in sweetened coconut, these will be too sweet!

Add protein powder, if desired — This recipe doesn’t have protein powder in it, but if you’re looking to get in a little more protein, I’d suggest adding 1/3 cup to the recipe.

So many different toppings for healthy Vegan Chocolate Date balls

How to store?

You’ll need to store these Healthy Vegan Chocolate Date Balls in an airtight container in the fridge. These energy balls will keep for up to 2 weeks and stay nice and firm in the fridge. I don’t recommend keeping these on your countertop, as the balls won’t hold their shape well. I’ve never tried keeping these in the freezer, so I’m not sure how that would work out!

Hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed eating! Don’t forget to tell me when you try to prepare these! Read more such posts here.

Guest Post sites in Dubai- How to monetize your blog

Guest post sites in Dubai? Say No more!

Are you currently writing guest posts and are completely confused as to where to begin from and what to do! I see this problem all too often when I’m consulting bloggers. Not many people realize the importance and significance of using guest posts as a lead generation strategy because some don’t see the benefits and those who do, don’t know where to begin, what to do. In this post, we will talk about everything related to writing Guest Posts. Also, I will share a list of guest post sites in Dubai.

Guest Post sites in Dubai

Often bloggers prefer to put more efforts into publishing blogs on their own sites rather than working for a blog for another website. If this sounds like you, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity here!

If you’re not convinced that guest blogging will benefit your business, this is the perfect guide for you. Those of you who want to begin guest blogging but don’t know how to start or turn these posts into site traffic, you’re in luck as well.

As a guest blogger myself, I’ll tell you everything you need to know about the topic so you can increase traffic to your website and also understand how this works. I have also made a list of all the popular websites that accept guest posts in Dubai. So, let’s dive in.

Why write Guests Posts?

Guest posting is one of the most popular link building technique used by many SEO professionals around the world. Unlike other SEO techniques such as directory submission, forum link submission, profile link creation, classified link submission, blog commenting and web 2.0 sites creation. Guest Posting is only a highly powerful link building technique that will quickly increase your SERP Rankings and Domain Authority.

How to find guest posts opportunity?

Now you’ve considered why and where you’d like to submit your guest blog post- you need to find where there are opportunities to do so:

Here are a couple of ways to get the ball rolling:

Google searches – Google is the best place to start with this. This simple keyword exercise will help you get the ball rolling. All you need to do is replace the keyword below with a keyword within your industry and let the search begin!

keyword +

  • “submit a guest post”
  • “guest post”
  • “guest post by”
  • “accepting guest posts”
  • “guest post guidelines

How to write and submit a guest post?

Here are some things to keep in mind when writing and submitting a guest blog or post:

Don’t make it too self-promotional!

Editors will disregard pitches they consider to be self-promotional. And they can see it coming a mile off. Guest articles should stand up as valuable sources of information for a website’s readership, not an advertisement for your business. Occasional mentions, stories and examples are OK but do not go overboard. Don’t blow your own trumpet and try to keep any info regarding yourself in the writer’s bio.

Include internal and source links.

It’s also worth including some internal links to other articles in the publication. This shows you’ve done your research and have written content that their audience will be interested in.

Format in a similar way.

Does the site use…


-Bolded text

-A lot of images


-Any other special formatting

Make sure you stick to the style guide and get a feel for their writing style. The guest posting guidelines should provide all the information you need to know about this.

Including subsections to organize your article.

Formatting in a style similar to the website you’re writing for is important. However, so is including subsections and subheadings throughout your content. It’s fair to take it as read that the publication you’re pitching to will prefer it this way too. This will not only benefit you when organizing and collaborating all your themes and ideas, but it will also make your articles easier for readers to use, increasing the likelihood of them staying on the page.

Looking for best guest post sites in Dubai? Check out my handpicked list.

  1. Emirates Diary- http://emiratesdiary.com/submit-guest-post
  2. Expat Info Desk- https://www.expatinfodesk.com/write-for-us/
  3. Customer Service- http://www.customerservice.ae/write-for-us
  4. Dubai Travel Blog- http://dubaitravelblog.com/contribute/
  5. UAE Central- https://www.uaecentral.com/write-for-us/
  6. Emirates Infohub- https://www.emiratesinfohub.com/write-for-us/
  7. Scoop Empire- https://scoopempire.com/write/
  8. EdArabia- https://www.edarabia.com/how-to-write-guest-posts-for-edarabia/
  9. Dubai OFW- https://dubaiofw.com/contribute/
  10. DoInDubai- https://doindubai.com/a-set-of-guidelines-for-a-guest-post
  11. UAE Wikipedia- http://uaewikipedia.com/write-for-us/
  12. Dubai Travel Adventure- https://dubaitraveladventure.com/write-for-us/
  13. Web Solution Winner- https://www.websolutionwinner.com/write-for-us.html

Want to know more or have any queries regarding guest post sites in Dubai? Drop me a comment/email.

By the way, Do you know you can travel for free?! You can read more about such crazy tips and tricks here.

I used Apple Cider Vinegar for 30 days and this is what happened!

I tried (drank and rinsed my hair!) Apple Cider Vinegar for 30 days and documented my overall experience. One product for skin, hair and health, read on to know how to use it and why to use it and which ACV to use. Bringing you “How, Why, What and Which” of Apple Cider Vinegar in a single post.

Apple Cider Vinegar for 30 days

Disclaimer- Please read it carefully.

“Dear Readers,

Every person is different, what suits one might not suit another. Please consult a doctor before trying any new health/fitness regime. Owner of this blog shall not be responsible for any injuries/side effects whatsoever. This is a personal experiment and the results are based on my own experience. The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.” Happy Reading! xoxo

When they say “Your selfie is 90% your hair” I never use to agree until I noticed that I had the most horrible hair related issues (and split ends, and dandruff and so on! Thanks to Dubai weather!). I was always conscious of my hair (Remember that cringe-worthy ad of Head and Shoulders!) I was frantically searching for a solution to stop this before it was too late. Tried changing my shampoo and conditioner (we will talk about these two in upcoming posts!) I took Hair Supplements (read the blogpost here)

And then lightning strikes and I decided to try Apple Vinegar Cider! I spent hours and days and maybe months reading and researching about it and in the end felt I wish there was Just One Single Post that would give me the basic “What, Why, Which and How” of using ACV. This is when I decided to write this post.

What is Apple Cider Vinegar? (ACV)

You must have heard about Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) lately unless you live on Mars! Just kidding, well these days almost everyone seems to be talking about it. For centuries, vinegar has been used for various household and cooking purposes. It is also an ancient folk remedy, claimed to help with all sorts of health problems. It seems to be the In-Thing these days, from adding it to salads to rinsing hair, from making a facial mask to drinking it (Did I mention that I drink it once or twice a month for detox!)! The list of uses is endless, the possibility of what you can do with it is just unbelievable. So what Is this Apple Cider Vinegar aka ACV? Basically it’s just rotten apples, just kidding (ignore my lame jokes!)

What is Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

WebMD describes Apple cider vinegar as, “Mostly apple juice, but adding yeast turns the fruit sugar into alcohol — this is fermentation. Bacteria turn the alcohol into acetic acid. That’s what gives vinegar its sour taste and strong smell.”

Why use Apple cider vinegar?

Well, I can probably write a book on this and still have reasons left! Let me try to list out the categories where you can probably use ACV:

  • Weight loss
  • Detox
  • Flushes out the toxins
  • Skin (A boon for people with Acne and Oily skin)
  • Hair
  • Gums
  • Cleaning (Yes!)
  • Bath soak
  • Foot Soak
  • Salads

Phew, I promise I can go on and on for this!

Which Apple Cider Vinegar to use?

With so many brands and so many types of ACV present in the market, it is almost impossible to decide which one to go for. Obviously you don’t want to go for something that will give you unsatisfactory results. Look for ACV that is Raw, Organic and Unfiltered, if possible with “Mother” in it. (I found this mother part really funny but it just means that it has those tiny-winy particles still in it.

and finally ‘How’ to use Apple Cider Vinegar?

My personal Experiment with Apple cider Vinegar (for Hair)-

So, here is my experience with it! As you must have figured out by now, I am up for anything that is Natural and Organic, when I started doing my own Research on ACV I was swept off my feet to see the number of uses (and benefits!) it has. It was almost like a Genie in a bottle waiting to be freed and cast his spell on me (Over-dramatic. Blaming it on Bollywood movies.) I realized the maximum time I spent was in deciding which brand to use! Took almost a month to find ACV that was Organic, Natural, Un-distilled, and also had Mother in it. I didn’t want to go blindly with Braggs, even though it has been regarded as the undisputed king of ACV world. 

To begin with, I diluted 1 cup of ACV in about 1-litre water. After I had shampooed my hair I lowered my head in the basin and poured it from root to tip. Let the water pass through your hair and wait for the water to drip down. Give it around 5 minutes. Then towel dry as usual. Side by side, I also drank Apple Cider Vinegar every morning for detox and so see if it actually does anything!

Steps to prepare the Hair Rinse:

  1. Mix 1 cup of ACV in 1000ml of water.
  2. Rinse your hair with this after shampooing.
  3. Leave it on for 5 min.
  4. Towel dry your hair.
  5. Hello Beautiful and Healthy Hair!

The first that I noticed was, it smells horrible. For a person who loves to smell good always and makes sure that everything around is smelling good as well, this was a Big Big turn off, although the smell went away after an hour or so. I continued this for 10 days, I noticed there was a noticeable reduction in the split ends, my hair was more manageable. I continued using it for another couple of days.

Steps to prepare Apple Cider Vinegar Drink:

  1. Take a glass of lukewarm water.
  2. Add a teaspoon of honey (preferably organic).
  3. Add a teaspoon of ACV (refer to what’s mentioned in the post on which ACV to buy)
  4. Drink this first thing in the morning at least 30 minutes before eating anything.
  5. Don’t forget to brush your teeth after drinking it as ACV is acidic and can harm the teeth enamel.

Honestly, It does taste horrible and I kept reminding myself that it’s all about developing a taste! I started with half a teaspoon and I also took a gap of 2 days to see if my body reacted normally (Very important, don’t just start a new regime without testing it first and giving your body time to adjust). Somehow I actually got used to that bitter-sour taste and if you ask me now I don’t loathe drinking it as much as I did it initially! (Hurray!)

After 10 days


  1. My hair is manageable (coming from a person who struggles with frizzy hair, you got to give it a point!)
  2. Split-ends have reduced a bit.
  3. A slight reduction in dandruff has reduced, not too sure at this point.
  4. Drinking ACV hasn’t helped me with anything so far. I do, however, feel that I am pooing more than usual! Lol (So tempted to insert a Poo-Joke here!)

I kept the bottle in my washroom to make sure I don’t skip this routine and it was easier to remember when I had this Dark bottle staring right in my face! Observation after completing 20 days-

After 20 Days


  1. My hair has a subtle shine, which is very unusual for me, I have the frizziest-hair you can imagine!
  2. Hair feels smooth, again Very unusual for my hair!
  3. I feel I am getting used to this pungent smell. Aaarrgggghh. Not sure if this is a plus point!
  4. I am all smiles while writing this but I feel I am breaking out way lesser now! I usually have a pimple or two always on my face (Well! Let’s say most of the times).
  5. Haven’t reduced any weight but my stomach is a little less flabby! (Tell me I am not imagining this!)
  6. I feel really light after drinking it.

I am excited like a kid in a science project, I couldn’t wait for these 30 days to pass. Here’s a confession- I missed my routine twice in the last 30 days! Once, I had to attend a party and washed my hair in a frenzy and once because… well… I just didn’t want to do it! Call it a mood swing. LoL 

After 30 Days! (drum rolls please)-


  1. By this time I was (almost) immune to this horrible smell! Plus point!
  2. My hair IS NOW Smooth and Shiny.. not a lot much though!
  3. Split ends are reduced and I cannot be happier! 
  4. I noticed a significant reduction in hair fall as well as dandruff, not sure if it was because of ACV or just seasonal, I took it as an effect of ACV!
  5. Hair looks more voluminous.
  6. My hair didn’t get greasy easily.
  7. My skin has cleared out a bit.
  8. Somehow, I did actually lose a little weight, like 1 kilo (Though it wasn’t my plan) it might be as this ACV made me poo so much?!
  9. It is not a very drastic change yet my tummy does feel less flabby.
  10. One of the best after-effects of drinking ACV was, it made me feel really energetic and fresh (even without drinking coffee I felt really wide awake!)

I continued my hair rinse routine (Though, I am not drinking the detox drink in the morning as I am focussing on putting on some weight), unbelievably! As I never thought I would rinse my hair with something that smelled so gross, although I must admit I made it a point not to go out immediately after washing my hair! It isn’t easy to smell gross and go out, which means now I wash my hair a day before going somewhere. The results have been better than I thought they would be and that is what got me hooked to Apple Cider Vinegar.

Overall Observation:

  1. My hair feels fresh and the roots don’t get greasy that quickly.
  2. Noticeable reduction in split ends.
  3. Hair looks healthy and voluminous.
  4. Reduction in hair fall (Insert dancing emoji here!) 
  5. Not sure if that’s because of ACV but my hair growth is better than before.

After doing this experiment for 30 days, the bottle of ACV has found a permanent place in my washroom. I try to stick to this regime, if not every single time then at least 80% of the times I wash my hair and then rinse it with ACV.

Let me know if you tried this, or if you know any skin/hair care regime that involves Apple Cider Vinegar. Also, I would love to answer if you have any concerns/queries, just shoot it.

Also, in case you are a dog-parent, don’t forget to read How yo Use Apple Cider Vinegar for you do here.

Read more such posts here.