Category Archives: Tips

Home remedies, natural remedies, life hacks, travel hacks, if you are looking for some tips then it will be here in this category.

Cheap Flights- Genius Hacks On How To Find them!

Cheap Flights anyone?! Let’s face this, the airplane ticket is usually one the most expensive purchases of our trip and if we can (somehow!) save some bucks on that we can easily manage to travel more! Here’s the catch, finding the best airfare deal is like hunting for treasure; it’s easier if you know how and where to look! Here is an expert’s guide on how to find cheap flights. Keep these hacks in mind when searching for cheap flights and your bank account will be thankful for it! So let’s get started!

Catch flights, not feelings!

Tried and tested tips to find Cheap Flights:

1. Keep your searches top secret-

Ever witnessed an increase in flight price after searching it a number of times? Let me tell you, you’re not crazy for thinking that a flight price has changed after searching it a few times in your web browser. Blame it on the cookies in your browser, flight prices do increase when a particular route is repeatedly searched. This is primarily done to scare you into booking the flight quickly. Always search for flights in incognito or private browsing mode to see the lowest prices.

2. Make use of Social Media-

Ok this one might surprise you but guess what, your Social Media accounts might actually help you in saving some bucks! Airlines have started using social media to give exclusive discounts to their followers (to increase their social media following) via promotions, online-only fares and other deals. Follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Don’t forget to turn on post notifications.

3. Be Flexible-

This tip is a No brainer but still very important if you want to get that cheap flight! Always have a cushion of 2-3 days and you will definitely find a better bargain. You can also refer to monthly/weekly airfare chart that most websites have to get cheap flights.

4. Stay updated-

Stay updated for any drop in the airfare to ensure that you don’t miss that cheap flight. Alternatively, subscribe to websites, most websites give discount/vouchers to their subscribers from time to time. If airlines have left over tickets, they slash prices to make them more appealing to potential travellers. They email these deals right to your inbox. That’s a small price to pay for all the cheap fares you’ll find. Sign up to our mailing list to get the latest discounts.

5. Check One-Way & Round-Trip Fares-

You may think one-way tickets are cheaper 100% of the time, but that isn’t always the case. This tip works better with long-term travel. Depending on your travel plans, flight origin and destination, it might be cheaper to book a round-trip ticket, then skip the return portion.

6. Use A VPN (Virtual Private Network)-

VPNs allow you to change the location you’re currently browsing from to another country or city. This lets you take advantage of local prices (especially on domestic flights). This is because airlines sometimes charge different rates depending on where you complete your purchase.

7. Fly on the cheapest days-

Incase you haven’t noticed it yet or incase you noticed it and thought it to be a coincidence, let me break it to you, Tuesdays and Wednesdays are (comparatively) cheapest days to fly. According to the CheapAir study, the cheapest days to fly are Tuesday and Wednesday, while Sunday is the most expensive. 

8. Snagging Deals To Find Cheap Flights To Anywhere-

To find cheap flights to Anywhere, you’ll need some planning, some flexibility, and maybe even a little luck! Many websites (For instance Skyscanner) have recently come up with the feature where you leave the destination box empty and they give you the cheapest flights from the origin. Plan in advance and make use of this feature.

9. Give This Layover Trick A Shot-

One of my all-time favourite ways to book cheap flights is by utilising Skiplagged’s handy dandy Layover Trick. While this little-known tip forces you to only bring a carry-on (which you should already be doing if you want to save money on flights!), it can chisel hundreds off ticket prices.

10. Airports Near Your Destination-

Check prices from airports that are within a few hours’ drive of your departure city and destination. Sometimes you can find much cheaper (or more direct) flights from a nearby airport. This can be especially helpful if the other airport is in a different country.

Love travelling but finances keeping you away from your love?! Learn to travel for FREE here!

Happy travelling!

Solo Female Travel Hacks that you need to know.

Solo Female Travel Hacks from the experts, what to do, how to stay safe while travelling alone and how to enjoy without getting into any trouble, all this and more in this post!

Solo Female Travel Hacks that you need to know.

Over the years, I’ve featured dozens of travel tips and destination guides for the solo female traveler, but I wanted to put together a comprehensive female travel resource for everyone. Whether you are a first-time solo traveler looking for that extra push to take their first trip or a seasoned solo traveler… Solo Female Travel Hacks

Hostelworld, the largest online hostel-booking platform, has seen a growth in female solo bookings of 45% between 2015 and 2017.

Solo Female Travel Hacks that you need to know.

Some of the Tried and Tested Hacks:

1. Choose your destination wisely and plan accordingly-

Spend sometime in deciding the destination and plan accordingly. What is Fun in one country might be A Sin in another.

2. Take help of Apps for created for Women Safety-

There are plenty of apps on Google Play and App Store that are created keeping in mind women safety while travelling. Make use of such apps.

3. Do your research before you reach-

Planning is the key to a successful and safe trip. Read reviews, talk to people who have visited that place before,connect to locals, etc.

4. Ensure you don’t run out of battery on your phone-

I understand that one should not be dependent on technology always but let’s face it, our phone (most of the times!) makes things easier. Invest in a good power bank and ensure that you don’t run out of battery.

5. Inform someone about your itinerary/schedule-

Have at least one friend or family member who knows your itinerary in and out. Ensure that you inform him/her in case there is any last minute changes in your plan.

6. Write down important phone numbers-

Mobile phone has made our life so much easier but at the same time it has made us dumb! We no longer remember important contact numbers! Ensure that you write down all such important numbers somewhere.

7. Carry important medicines and your first aid-

As they say, hope for the best but prepare for the worst. Carry basic medicines and your first aid kit with you.

8. Keep a scan copy of all the important documents on a cloud storage-

Always carry a clear scan copy of all your documents, including your tickets, visas, etc. on a cloud storage that you can access from any PC.

9. Keep an eye on your drink (ALL your drinks- not just the alcoholic ones)-

It’s fun to make new friends and share a drink or two but keep an eye on what you are drinking. Adulterating soft drink/juice with drugs is very easy, don’t fall a prey to such things.

10. Be adventurous but be prepared-

Being cautious doesn’t mean that you miss out on all the fun, it means you always ensure that you are better prepared to face any unwelcoming situation. Prepare yourself for such situations so you are not left clueless.

11. Don’t neglect your gut feeling-

if something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. Trust your gut feeling, avoid places or people you feel are not safe. Remember, better be safe that sorry.

12. Trust but verify-

I would want to emphasize on this again, just because you are being cautious doesn’t mean that you stop interacting with people or stop having fun. Trust people but always do your own research, avoid trusting people blindly.

Got any Solo Female Travel Hacks? Let me know in the comments below!  

Potato for Skincare. Scars, Acne, etc.

One ingredient for skincare. Potato is much more than fries and chips people, learn how to use it for Scars, Acne and Anti Aging.

Potato for skincare

Next time someone calls you a couch potato, or may be just a potato, don’t get mad, ’cause in my opinion Potato is the King of the vegetables! Frankly speaking, it is the only vegetable that everyone eats (in some way or the other!) I remember every time I was asked to finish my veggie-bowl as a kid, I would eat only potatoes and then be super happy about it! Do you know you can use Potato for skincare. Learn how to use it for treating acne, for reducing scars and even for anti-aging.

So everyone in the house, throw your hands up in the air and say with me, Which vegetable gives you fries? Potato! Which vegetable gives you Yummy Chips? Potato! Guess what, which vegetable can give you flawless complexion? Yes people, it is our very own own, our favorite Potato!

Grated potato for skin

Why is Potato Good for Skin?

  • Potatoes contain ‘catecholase’ enzyme which can help in reducing dark spots, blemishes and acne scars.
  • The presence of mild bleaching properties reduces the melamine production, lowers hyper pigmentation and lightens the skin effectively.
  • It contains potassium which helps in keeping the skin hydrated.
  • It has vitamin B6, which helps in new cell formation.
  • It contains magnesium which fights with free radicals that cause wrinkles.

How to use Potato for skincare?

  • Oily Skin Mask:  Peel and finely grate a potato, then add rosewater (alternatively you can add rice water or plain water) and mix thoroughly. Add 1 tsp lemon juice and apply to face for at least 15 minutes. (Tip: You can dip the face mask sheet in this juice and then apply it on your face)
  • Dry Skin Mask: Everything stays the same as above, but instead of lemon juice, add 1 tsp of honey or yogurt.
  • Anti-Ageing Mask: Potato paste with Greek Yogurt or plain yogurt (This also works as a hydrating mask).
  • Firming Mask:  Mix well 1 egg white and juice from half a potato, apply it evenly on the skin. Leave on for 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with cold water.
  • Hydrating and nourishing Mask- Peel and Grate 1 potato and mix it with 2 Tbsp olive oil, then add 1 Tbsp honey. Mix thoroughly, then apply to the skin. Leave on for 10 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.
  • For Sun Burn- If you are a beach baby and sun is your idea of fun like me then you probably know the after effects of spending a sunny day on the beach! Fear no more darlings, our hero, Mr. Potato comes to our rescue here again! Potato cures the sunburns. Take the potato slice and rub the potato slice on the sunburn are for 5 minutes. Then wash the face and skin with cool water.

Learn more here.

Happy Masking! Want to learn more skincare hacks and home remedies? Click here!

Avocados for Skin, Hair & More.

The creamy fruit – affectionately referred to as ‘Nature’s Butter’ or “Butter Fruit” is an excellent source of more than twenty vitamins and minerals! In this post learn about the beauty benefits of Avocados for Skin, Hair & More.

The nutrient dense and creamy fruit – affectionately referred to as ‘nature’s butter’ is an excellent source of over twenty vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B, C, E and K, riboflavin, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, magnesium, potassium, lutein, beta-carotene, omega-3 fatty acids and anti-ageing antioxidants! This fruit is much more than Shake and Guacamole!

Avocados for Skin

Avocados are very high in healthy fat, vitamin and antioxidant content, using them as a face mask makes the skin looking softer and younger. You can create a simple – yet very effective – mask by mashing up some avocados and applying straight onto the skin after cleansing but for an even more enriched mask here are some easy and quick recipes!

Few recipes to try out Avocados for Skin:

  • Avocado, Tomato Juice Mask for Pigmentation: You can also mix together tomatoes and avocado to lighten pigmentation on face. Mix half of a ripe avocado and half of a ripe tomato by putting them in a blender. Apply it on to the face and then let it dry out naturally. Wash off. This is a great anti pigmentation face mask for those with oily skin. The acidity in tomato also helps to balance out the richness of avocado.
  • Avocados, Honey & Yogurt for dehydrated skin- Mash up avocado (half of one is more than sufficient) and add to a bowl with some natural yogurt and honey. Mix well and apply to the skin after cleansing. Relax and leave on for approximately 15-20 minutes (or until hardened) before rinsing off with water to reveal a nourished and softer complexion. Repeat it weekly for best results.
  • Avocado and Sugar Scrub– Mash avocado, add 1 cup of sugar (preferably brown sugar) and ¼ cup Olive Oil. Mix them up well with a whisk then store in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Take a suitable amount in a bowl to the shower with you. Wet your body in the shower then give your skin a good scrub. When rinsing it off, don’t try to scrub off the oily residue that remains! This scrub will not only leave your skin as soft as baby’s butt.
  • Exfoliating Avocado Mask: Mash up ½ a ripe avocado till smooth. Add 1 tbsp ground oatmeal. Mix well then scrub onto your face for 2 minutes. Admire how wonderful your skin looks and feels! You can try this 1-3 times a week.

Avocados for Hair

Did you know avocado can help your hair grow long-er and strong-er? If you didn’t, now you do! With vitamins and minerals such as copper, iron, vitamin A, B6, D, and E, avocado has the ability to deeply nourish the hair follicle and the scalp. The super-food can work to unclog hair follicles. It also stimulates the scalp, giving some of those dormant follicles a chance at new growth.

Recipes to try out Avocados for Hair:

  • Avocado, Onion Juice and Honey to treat Hair Loss: Mash one avocado in a bowl, add juice of 1 onion and two teaspoons of natural honey. Stir the mixture until it is smooth and creamy. Apply the mask onto the scalp, working it down to coat the ends of your hair. Leave it on for 30 minutes and then rinse off. Shampoo as usual. This mask is very helpful in treating hair loss.
  • Avocado, Honey, Argan oil and Tea tree oil Mask for growth : Mash one ripe avocado in a bowl, add 10 drops of argan oil, two teaspoons of natural honey and two drops of tea tree oil. Stir the mixture until it is smooth and creamy. Apply the mask onto the scalp, then massage gently using your fingertips, working it down to coat the ends of your hair. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then rinse off. Shampoo as usual. This mask helps in hydrating the hair as well as helps in promoting growth.
  • Avocado, Banana, Honey and Olive oil Mask for dandruff and Hair Loss- One way to put shine and life back into your hair is with a regular avocado hair mask. Adding banana to your hair mask will offer extra shine and essential oils. Mash one ripe banana and a ripe avocado together in a bowl. Add a tablespoon of olive oil and a few drops of an essential oil (optional though) of your choice and mix well. Apply the mixture to your hair and cover with a shower cap for 20 minutes. Rinse then shampoo and condition as usual.

Love Natural/Home remedies? Learn more skin/haircatre tips and remedies here!

Mastering the art of travelling light.

Travelling should rejuvenate you, not wear you down. With all the backpacks and luggage you bring with you, travelling becomes tiring, which is wrong. In this post learn Hacks and the art of travelling light.

Travelling should rejuvenate you, not wear you down

I  remember the time when I traveled from my home to my hostel (hardly 3 hours flight) carrying 3 trolleys, 1 tote bag 1 handbag, 1 huge backpack and 1 small purse around my waist… just in case…  (it’s hard to come to terms with the fact that I carried my favorite pillow, and few empty Tupperware boxes with me!) and still had to Buy More Stuff after reaching the hostel! Over the years I have or let’s say I am trying to master the art of travelling light (Minimalism anyone?)

Minimalism is a tool to rid yourself of life’s excess in favor of focusing on what’s important—so you can find happiness, fulfillment, and freedom.

Let me tell you, it is Not easy but then it is not impossible as well! So keep humming the song from ColdPlay, “Nobody said it was easy, No one ever said it would be this hard.”  and let’s get this done!

First of all, why do I need to travel light after all? Well, of course, no one will stop you from travelling with N number of bags but then if you travel light you have your own benefits.

Advantages of Travelling light:

  • Ease of travelling on public transport.
  • Fewer chances of losing your baggage.
  • Tension-free travelling.
  • Option to Stay in hostels.
  • You are (always) better prepared for impromptu plans.
  • You are more of a Traveler than a Tourist.

Believe me, once you start travelling light or start Backpacking, you will never touch that trolley again! Backpacking is a way of life and it is addictive, for good!
To start with you need to choose a backpack that is not too big nor too small, but then again the size of the backpack depends on a number of factors (duration of stay, the place you are travelling to, activities you want to do, so on) 

Step 1- Make a List.

No matter how old school it may sound, if you are new at it I kid you not, get a pen and paper or create a new memo in your phone and make that damn list! It need not be in great detail just put the bullet points and write down everything you have to carry.

Step 2- Find and Strike

Yes, you heard that right, strike off everything that you can live without! I know it sounds stupid but do it anyway! Strike off those 3 cashmere sweaters, 1 sweatshirt (or cashmere sweater if you insist!) is good enough!Tip: Follow- Wear heavy, carry Light. It means you wear heavy clothes like jeans and carry lightweight clothes, like, let’s say shorts, cotton pants, etc.

Step 3- Divide and Rule.

Divide your list into “Need it”, “Might need it”, “Emergency”. Your essentials go in the 1st list, your extra pairs of everything goes in second and things like first aid, tools etc. goes in 3rd. Learn how to pack light here.

Step 4- One Plus One.

Everything needs to go in one bag, Yes, you heard that right! I am gonna be a little lenient and say one plus one but this doesn’t mean that you carry two huge backpacks! One Plus One rule means you carry one backpack and one small bag for passport, cash, mobile, etc.

Step 5- Bring back only pictures.

This step isn’t very easily digested by some (most of them!) but believe me it is something you will thank me later for. We all have clothes that we want to give away that can be tossed away without hurting much. Carry Such Clothes, give them away after using them so with every passing day your backpack starts becoming lighter. (Bonus: You can use that extra space for souvenirs!)

Step 6- Smaller the better.

“Thou shalt never carry those toiletries with you!” Ladies, take a break from makeup don’t carry that mascara and that perfume with you if you plan to travel light! You can buy cheap body lotions and soaps where ever you go. In case you really need to take it with you then make use of those free samples that you stocked up from Boots! Alternatively, you can squeeze out a little bit from the big bottle and carry the body lotions, etc. with you. Travel essential bottles are easily available in stores.

Step 7- Prepare for the best!

Lastly, the most important step is to prepare for the best! Don’t assume things and don’t pack for ‘What if’s” No heaven will fall if you leave behind anything, and thanks to globalization Everything is available Everywhere! Keep in mind your destination, the activities you plan to do and pack accordingly.

Are you a travel junkie looking for some cool travel hacks? Learn how to travel for Free! Yes!

Bon Voyage!

Hair supplements and you. Get all your answers here.

Should I take hair supplement? If Yes, then which Hair Supplement to take? Why shouldn’t I take Hair Supplement? Answers to all these questions and more.

Dietary Supplements can be beneficial to your health — but taking supplements can also involve health risks. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not have the authority to review dietary supplement products for safety and effectiveness before they are marketed.

Hair, Skin, and Nail supplements industry is a booming industry as of today, thanks to the obsession to get a quick fix for The perfect body. Be it hair, skin, nail or body weight, we want it to be perfect without doing much about it. While it’s not completely bad to take supplements but taking it blindly without doing your research can do more harm than good.

What are Health/Dietary supplements?

Health/Dietary supplements include ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, enzymes, etc. Dietary supplements might be in the form of tablets, capsules, soft-gels, gel-caps, powders, or liquids.

What are Hair supplements?

Supplements that contain ingredients that help in promoting the growth of hair are called Hair Supplements. These might contain antioxidants such as vitamins A, C, and E, or Coenzyme Q10, biotin, a B-complex vitamin,
fatty acids, etc.

Is there any risk involved in taking supplements?

Yes. Many supplements contain active ingredients that have strong biological effects in the body. This could make them unsafe in some situations and hurt or complicate your health. For example, the following actions could lead to harmful – even life-threatening – consequences.

  • Combining supplements
  • Using supplements with medicines (whether prescription or over-the-counter)
  • Substituting supplements for prescription medicines
  • Taking too much of some supplements, such as vitamin A, vitamin D, or iron.
  • Some supplements can also have unwanted effects before, during, and after surgery. So, be sure to inform your healthcare provider, including your pharmacist about any supplements you are taking.

Does that mean all Hair supplements are a waste of money? Or are there any that might actually be beneficial?

Not really. You need to understand “When to take supplement” and “Which Supplement to take”. Since supplements aren’t regulated by FDA, you need to be very careful while selecting one. These supplements will help only if you are lacking in any of the vitamins related to hair growth.

“But for those with no clear deficiencies, experts say there’s no good evidence that supplements can make a difference.”

According to Michele Green, M.D., of RealSelf, the ingredients in supplements all work in conjunction with one another to provide the nutrients essential for healthy cell regeneration. “Biotin strengthens the hair and increases its density,” Green says. “Fish oil makes hair and nails shiny and is a great anti-aging supplement, as the omega oils found in fish oil stimulate collagen production and overall appearance of the skin.”

Supplements are amazing—but.. for some people.

Now, what you need to understand is, if supplements were such a cure-all, wouldn’t everyone be taking them? In reality, supplements have been proven to work, but only for people with health concerns that interfere with their ability to absorb nutrients. One supplement might work perfectly for a person but might cause some serious illness to other, when it comes to supplements there is nothing like one-size-fits-all! So, what you need to do is to analyze your health and then select a supplement or consult a doctor before you start taking it.

Remember, supplements aren’t heavily regulated by FDA.

Remember, since supplements aren’t really regulated by FDA, you have to ensure that you know what you are taking. Hence, some inferior quality supplements might contain substances that not listed on the label or have much less or more of an ingredient than promised. For example, in 2008, one brand of multivitamin was found to have 200 times the labeled concentration of selenium.

If I really want to take supplements, how do I select one?

“Shopping for vitamins can be tricky,” Green says. “You want to be sure the label says they’re 100 percent natural and list all-natural ingredients with no synthetic fillers.”

Michele Green, M.D., of RealSelf

Since there’s no evidence that supplements are actively bad for hair, skin, and nails, not to mention the evidence that they’ve helped at least a few people, supplements are probably worth a shot if you’re interested in them. Be a savvy supplement user. Here’s how:

  • When searching for supplements on the internet, use noncommercial sites (e.g. NIH, FDA, USDA) rather than depending on information from sellers.
  • If claims sound too good to be true, they probably are. Be mindful of product claims such as “works better than [a prescription drug],” “totally safe,” or has “no side effects.”
  • Be aware that the term natural doesn’t always means safe.
  • Ask your healthcare provider if the supplement you’re considering would be safe and beneficial for you.
  • Always remember – safety first!

Did you just say “Watermelon and skin care”?!

I wish somebody told me about this summer beauty hack earlier, I would have saved some serious bucks!

Watermelon and skin care

While the western world is praying for the summers to arrive, we in UAE are already stocking up sunscreens! Living in a region where it is hot almost throughout the year, keeping the skin hydrated can be quite a task. Who knew this innocent looking watermelon would do the trick! I wish somebody told me about this earlier, I have been tossing away the watermelon remains in the bin.. but not anymore!!

So without beating around the bush, let’s come to the point people! (I have included some life-saving hacks at the end of the post! Don’t forget to read that.)

Why use Watermelon for skin?

Korean beauty expert and Glow Recipe co-founder Sarah Lee says, “Watermelon as 92% water content and is rich in vitamins A, B6 and C, amino acids and lycopene. It’s also incredibly antioxidant-rich and is a great hydrating and soothing ingredient for skin year-round. The lab we worked with in Korea sources only locally grown watermelon in order to obtain the freshest, most vibrant fruit for the formula.

Watermelon and skin care

Here are few watermelon beauty benefits for skin care that you can achieve and relish:

  • It is a natural toner- The red juice is a natural astringent and significantly improves the appearance of skin. Massage your face well with a watermelon slice and rinse off with water. It keeps your face hydrated and provides nourishment to the skin.
  • Control oil on the skin- Vitamin A in watermelon reduces the size of skin pores and thus minimize oil secretion from the glands. Those with oily skin should be best friends with watermelon in summers. Using watermelon slices on the face twice a day will bring great results for oily skin people.
  • Rejuvenates and Revitalises skin- Apply watermelon juice daily on the skin to rejuvenate and revitalise it. You can also add honey to make a face mask and wash off with cold water in 15 minutes. It adds an instant freshness to the face and takes away all the tiredness and stress in few minutes. It also works as an anti – gaining agent in your skincare regime.
  • Lightens the Skin- Regularly using watermelon juice helps in lighten the suntan and resulting in glowing skin. You can drink a glass or rub watermelon slices on your face, it works wonders both ways. You can also use the juice in your favourite face pack to improvise its results.
  • No blisters- Applying crushed watermelon slices on the face every night before going to sleep can make your face blister free and no plumps. It also works on wounds, any skin rash and cracked lips.
Watermelon and skin care

How To Use Water Melon for skin ?

  1. You can massage your skin with a watermelon slice.
  2. You can simply dab a cotton ball in watermelon juice extract and apply it on the face after cleansing it. Leave it for 15 minutes and then wash with cold water. 
  3. If you desire to make a face cream using watermelon juice, just add honey or yoghurt to it and apply it on the face and neck.
  4. Equal portions of watermelon and cucumber pulp mask can also be prepared to remove sun tan.

Some useful hacks to make your life easy:

  1. Usually, there is a lot of wastage when you peel and cut the watermelon, scrape out those extra bits, squeeze out the juice. Use an icecube tray to freeze this juice. Rub these juicy cubes to give your skin a quick hydrating and cooling effect. (Now you know what you need after spending a sunny day on the beach!)
  2. Here is a lazy girl hack, squeeze out the juice and keep it in a spray bottle. Your low cost and super effective hydration face mist is ready!
  3. For all the multi-tasking superwomen, here is a multi-tasking hack! Use watermelon juice to mix your favourite mask. The goodness of watermelon and your favourite mask together!
  4. OK, so this is my personal favourite. I almost dread the idea of juice dripping all over, so here’s what I do. Dip a facial masking sheet in watermelon juice and apply it! Don’t have masking sheets? I got you! Dip thin sheets of paper tissues or even better, use toilet paper in the juice and place it over your face. Voila, you just rocked the Hack-World! (Why toilet paper? Because normal face tissues are thick as compared to toilet sheets and hence they tend to fall off the face)

How to use dried flowers, learn “Flower-Power”.

Learn how to use dried flowers to get beautiful skin and healthy hair.

Learn how to use dried flowers to get beautiful skin and healthy hair.

Ayurveda has always given importance to the healing properties of flowers, besides their intoxicating aromas. This is mainly because many of them have incredible properties that can be used as natural remedies. In this post, I am going to share my Top 3 flower-power that I have personally used and found beneficial.

Here I have covered topics like How to make D.I.Y skin toner, How to make hair rinse that prevents hair fall, Where to buy flowers in UAE and How to check if the flowers you are buying are authentic.

Dried Rose Buds


Fights dryness, reduces redness and regenerates ageing skin.

Nicknamed the “queen of all flowers,” a rose is one of the most famous flowers, apart from expressing love to our near n dear ones do you know rose can also be used to bring back that youthful glow! Its hydrating properties and its ability to heal broken blood vessels help in fighting signs of ageing. You can order dried rose here.

How to Use: 

Take crushed dried flowers and a few drops of honey, apply it to your lips for a while, it works as a natural lip balm. Prepare DIY rose water by boiling rose petals in distilled water. Crushed petals can also be applied as a face mask. You can buy Organic dried rose petals here.

Dried Chamomile Flowers


Anti-inflammatory, soothes and improves skin elasticity

Most of us are familiar with chamomile in the form of Tea and its soothing effect, which helps in inducing sleep. In many ancient medicinal practices, it is credited for incredible properties, including beauty. If you suffer from puffiness around the eyes, make a strong infusion of chamomile flowers and use as a compress under the eyes. It also helps relieves general weariness and puffiness.

It helps in calming the skin while also improving skin elasticity. Chamomile is suitable for all skin types and makes your skin tone evener. It helps in combating age and sunspots and helps to improve the appearance of hyper-pigmentation. It’s full of antioxidants, which help to fight breakouts.

How to Use:

Take dried flowers or freshly picked chamomile petals, milk and honey and apply this mix as a face pack for 5 minutes. It works as a natural cleanser, regular uses can remove the blackheads and pigments of your face. You can also brew a strong tea, let it cool down and then use it as a toner. Alternatively, you may use this tea in your face-masks as well.

Dried Hibiscus petals


Revives skin and acts as an exfoliator and antioxidant

Commonly used in Ayurvedic practices and a key ingredient in Chinese medicine, the hibiscus flower effectively revives the skin since it’s plentiful in anti-ageing alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) and amino acids. The skin-perfecting benefits of hibiscus are endless—it exfoliates, protects against premature ageing, tones, firms, hydrates and controls oil production—and is sometimes used in anti-cellulite creams and serums. Hibiscus is also revered for its scalp-replenishing and blood circulation–stimulating abilities. You can order it here.

How to Use: 

Take 10 to 15 petals from dried flowers, wash them carefully and boil them in a pan till the water left half, cool it and rinse your hairs with that extract: do it for at least two weeks, you’ll see some instant changes. It is good for hair growth, reduces hair loss and makes your hair shiny.

How to make D.I.Y skin toner?

This is my personal favourite, I have stopped buying toners and rose water altogether!


  1. Take 500 ml of mineral or distilled water.
  2. Take 2 handfuls of rose petals (You can add Hibiscus leaves if you want for added benefits)
  3. Make sure that the leaves you are using are free from dirt or any other impurities.
  4. Boil the water with leaves at low flame till only half of the water remains.
  5. Let it cool down.
  6. Strain out the leaves.
  7. Store in a glass bottle and refrigerate.
  8. Additionally, you can store it in a spray in a bottle (I buy mine from Amazon, buy it here) and your Facial mist is ready!

Your homemade rose water/toner is ready to use! You can use it alone or with face-mask. Dip a cotton ball and clean your face with this toner at night for blemish-free skin.

How to make a hair rinse that prevents hair fall?

Accept it we all want a magical tip that is not too hard to follow but gives us amazing result, your search ends here! This easy-peasy hair rinse will make your shinier and healthier. Use it at least for 2 months to see the best results. Hibiscus helps to soothe scalp irritation, lessen grey hair, and reduce hair loss.

Steps make D.I.Y hair rinse:

  1. Boil handful of Hibiscus Petals in about 1000 ml of water.
  2. Let it simmer on low flame for 10 min.
  3. Let it cool, strain and store in a glass bottle.
  4. Use it as a final rinse.

Caution: If your hair colour is light, using this rinse might make your hair little reddish. Substitute Hibiscus with chamomile if you have light colour hair or want to make your hair lighter in shade.

Where to buy flowers in UAE?

I buy my flowers from Amazon, Carrefour or Spice Souk (be careful they sometimes overcharge as the market is full of tourists) if it goes out of stock! You can buy it any store that sells Tea. I always prefer to use flower instead of Tea Bags, but if you can’t find it anywhere then you can start off with Tea Bags.

How to check if the flowers you are buying are authentic?

The petals should be free from dirt or any impurities. The flowers should smell good and not rotten (obviously!) Try to crush few buds or petals in your hand and then smell it. The flower should not be stored in open (in spice souk this is the most common problem, hence I now buy these from Amazon (check the links I have put in the blog post)

Let me know if you have any questions/doubts/anything! You can read more tips here.

15+ fun ways to use Oranges for skin and hair Care!

When life gives you oranges, use them wisely! Learn how to use Oranges for Skin, Hair and Health.

Learn how to use Oranges for Skin, Hair and Health.

It all started as a fun experiment when I bought way too many oranges and decided to include them as a part of my weekly skincare routine. This fruit is extremely versatile (juices, smoothies, ice-creams, salads, skin tonic, hair rinse, bath soak, I can go on and on!) everyday I was surprised by the number of uses it had!

So without wasting much time, let’s get started!

How to use Oranges for skin-

1. Removes Tan-

The peels of this amazing fruit can remove your tan and sunspots. All you need to do is crush the peels and powder it. Add some yogurt and apply all over the face. Scrub gently and leave for fifteen minutes and then wash it off with cold water. You will be surprised when you see the results!

2. Anti-Ageing

As we know, orange is filled with the goodness of vitamin C, which increases the production of collagen and keeps the skin firm and moist.

An effective way to combat signs of ageing is by using some oranges. The free radicals in this fruit will definitely reduce the sagging of cheeks and reduce the wrinkles significantly. You can also use the peels for a mask. Given some time, you will slowly start witnessing miraculous changes in your skin.

3. Acne and scars

Mash the grated orange peels to apply on your acne and scars. When applied regularly on acne and pimples, orange helps in reducing acne/pimples and blemishes.

4. Facial Mist

You can prepare a skin refreshing spray with orange peels. Pour boiling water over the orange peels and keep it on for one day. Next day, strain the liquid and let it sit overnight. Apply this liquid on your face with the help of cotton pads; or use a spray bottle and use it as a facial mist. Wash it off after 20 minutes in case you feel sticky. This gives a soft and glowing touch to your face. You can use this liquid in your regular face masks too.

5. Instant Glow

Take juice of 2 oranges and put it in ice cubes tray. Then rub the frozen orange cubes on your face to spruce up and brighten your dull and lackluster face. This frozen orange juice benefits by refining your pores and reducing the oiliness of face to control acne. It is one of the most important benefits of applying oranges on the face.

6. Body scrub

Dry orange peels in the shade. Grind and mix it with chickpea flour, turmeric and coffee for a natural exfoliating cleanser that can be used on face and body. Not only this makes the skin smooth but also removes unwanted tan and evens out the skin tone.

7. Hydrating Mask for dry skin-

Mix Orange peel powder, almond, honey and milk. Wash off with cold water after 15 minutes. Regular use will remove dry skin patches and make the skin hydrated.

8. For oily and combination skin-

Mix Orange peel powder, clay, sandalwood powder in orange juice. Wash off after 15 minutes. Regular use will remove excess oil and get rid of uneven skin tone.

9. Glow pack for body and face-

Mix Orange peel powder, turmeric, chickpea flour, almond powder, rose water, pinch of cinnamon (Leave out cinnamon if you have extremely sensitive skin). This powder can be kept as a ready to use body or face scrub, mix with rose water or milk or plain water before use.

10. Anti acne and blemish pack

Mix Orange peel powder, pinch of cinnamon, pinch of nutmeg powder, pinch of turmeric, Neem powder (or grate fresh leaves), fullers earth, mix with Rose water or orange juice. Leave for 15 minutes then scrub it off gently. Regular use will remove blemishes, reduce appearance of acne, pimples and black heads.

Now that we have learnt how to use Oranges for skin, let’s see how we can use oranges for Hair.

Oranges for skin and hair

Oranges and Hair care-

11. Hair Conditioner:

You may also use oranges as an excellent hair conditioner. Just mix orange juice with honey (just 1 teaspoon else it will be difficult to wash off) and water. Mix this paste well and then apply all over your hair after shampooing. You may let it stay for five to ten minutes. Use water to wash your hair.

12. Hair rinse:

Pour boiling water over the orange peels and keep it on for one day. Next day, strain the liquid. You can use this liquid on the hair as last rinse to get rid of dandruff and get shiny hair.

13. Hair Rinse (2)

Soak orange peels in Apple Cider Vinegar and use as a hair rinse!

14. Hair Mask:

Take some oranges, make a fresh paste and apply this paste all over your hair. Make sure your hair is already oiled well. Now keep this mixture on your head for about half n hour and then rinse thoroughly with cold water. Use an herbal or mild shampoo to use wash your hair and then condition it well. You will be amazed by the results!

15. Hair Growth:

Oranges are also essential for healthy hair growth. It is rich in Vitamin B12 and Vitamin E which is very important for long, thick and beautiful hair. In order to get the best results, you may simply oil your hair first. After that, apply a fresh paste of oranges and honey all over your hair and let it stay for half n hour. Rinse with water and wash with a mild shampoo. This will help you fight hair thinning and hair balding.

16. Dandruff:

Did you know that oranges are all you need in order to get rid of dandruff? All you have to do is take the juice of orange peel and use the pulp for your scalp. This will remove dandruff and cleanse your scalp easily. You can also try another simpler method. This would be boiling the orange peels in water and rinsing your hair with it after it has cooled down. Filter the liquid and use it every time you are about to shampoo.

17. Anti hair fall mask

With the total of 4 ingredients to be added, this mask still qualifies to be called “easy”! Take one lemon and a half of an orange, add one tablespoon of coconut oil and finish off by mixing in two tablespoons of crushed green tea leaves. Let the mixture rest for about 30 minutes to one hour then apply it to your hair and leave on for 30 to 40 minutes. Wash off and say hello to healthy and beautiful hair!

Have a tried and tested tip? Tell me!!

Pineapple for Skin, Hair and Health!

I believe almost everything in your kitchen can be used for skin care, mix and match, do a patch test and you’re good to rock! In this article learn how to use Pineapple for Skin, Hair and Health.

Pineapple for Skin, Hair and Health

Pineapple for skin, hair and health! Yes! Lately, I have been trying my hands on homemade masks, toners, scrubs, etc. I try to make my own products as much as possible. In this article, we will talk about Pineapple. Do you know not only do they taste amazing, but they also have numerous benefits for health, skin and hair?

‘Pineapple is the common name of Ananas comosus, a member of the plant family Bromeliaceae’ Elle Magazine

Dermatologist Dr Stefanie Williams. 
Pineapple for Skin, Hair and Health!

Some of the Benefits/Uses are:

For Teeth-

With high amounts of vitamin C, eating slices of pineapples strengthens the gums and keeps our teeth healthy. Not only does pineapple whiten teeth, but the enzyme bromelain keeps plaque away and helps fight gingivitis.

Anti- Ageing-

If you’re looking for a natural way to slow down the ageing process, pineapple is your best friend. They’re loaded with antioxidants and alpha-hydroxy acids, which fight skin-damaging free radicals. Create this pineapple and mango face-mask to soak up all these benefits. Puree pineapple in a blender and apply in a circular motion to a cleansed face. Leave on face for ten minutes, then rinse well with cool water and pat skin dry. Apply the honey and leave on for five minutes. Rinse with cool water, pat the skin dry again, and apply your favourite moisturiser. It is rich in Alpha-Hydroxy Acids which slows down the ageing process.


When you apply pineapple juice directly to your face, it can ward off moles, warts and blemishes. Don’t worry if you have sensitive skin — vitamin C gives skin a healing touch. Pineapples also reduce the sight of wrinkles.

Skin brightening/Dark spots-

Fruits that are high in enzymes, like pineapples, are perfect to brighten and soften skin. Whether you apply the paste or use pineapple juice, it will help get rid of the dark spots on your face.


This fruit is rich in vitamin C and plays a crucial role in keeping your immune strong and ready to fight against the virus that causes a cold. If you have a cold, eating some pineapple each day may help to shorten the duration and alleviate your symptoms.


Acne is a skin problem that can alter your self-esteem and it may even leave scars if left untreated. This fruit contains high amounts of anti-inflammatory substances and vitamin C, both of which fight the causes of acne. The vitamin C helps to improve your body’s ability to heal while the anti-inflammatory substances help to prevent new breakouts and a worsening of current ones.

Nail Growth-

If you want your nails to grow and be strong, pineapples can help because they contain nail-healthy nutrients. Apply a fresh paste of pineapple, allow this to sit on your nails for 10 minutes, wash it away and thoroughly moisturise your nails.

Hair Loss-

Hair loss is something that millions of people battle, but the vitamin C content in this fruit helps to fight against hair loss. Simply eat some pineapple each day to strengthen your hair follicles from the inside out.

Caution: ALWAYS do a patch test before trying anything new. Never keep any mask with pineapple in it for more than 5-7 minutes.

Read more tips and tricks here.