Category Archives: Tips

Home remedies, natural remedies, life hacks, travel hacks, if you are looking for some tips then it will be here in this category.

Turmeric Milk- The winter elixir

Hey there, winter warriors! As the icy winds sweep in, I find myself reaching for the cosiest of beverages to ward off the chill. And guess what’s become my go-to winter elixir? You got it – turmeric milk! This golden delight not only tastes awesome but has also has some amazing health benefits.

Did you know, the Turmeric Latte, a.k.a. fancy pants turmeric milk, from Starbucks can be very easily prepared at home! What’s more, you can adjust the taste according to your liking, doesn’t burn a hole in the pockets and ofcourse is way more nutritious than Starbucks!

Let’s talk about the Starbucks Turmeric Latte obsession – guilty as charged. I found myself on a first-name basis with the barista, who affectionately started calling me the “Turmeric Maestro.” It became a thing, and now I proudly strut to the counter, chanting my order like a winter mantra – “One grande Turmeric Latte, please!” I remember taking the first sip and thinking to myself, “Why haven’t I been sipping on turmeric milk all my life?” Now, I’ve made it a point to incorporate homemade turmeric milk every time I need to boost my immunity, and let me tell you, it does wonders. I started dubbing it my “liquid sunshine” because, let’s face it, the winter sun is often more myth than reality.

Here’s the kicker – my attempt at making turmeric milk at home for the first time turned into a kitchen comedy. As I clumsily attempted to mix turmeric, milk, and a dash of sweetness, my kitchen looked like a spice bazaar explosion. Note to self: turmeric can be a bit mischievous when not handled with care.

Recipe for Turmeric Milk aka Liquid Sunshine

  1. 1 cup milk (dairy or plant-based)
  2. Organic Turmeric (Fresh or organic powder)
  3. Saffron
  4. Cardamom
  5. 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  6. A pinch of black pepper (for better absorption of curcumin)
  7. Sweetener of your choice (honey, maple syrup, or agave) to taste
  8. Optional: A dash of ginger for an extra kick

How to Prepare Turmeric Milk

  1. Heat the milk in a saucepan
  2. Add all the ingredients like turmeric, cardamom, cinnamon, black pepper, and ginger (if using). (Order Organic Turmeric here)
  3. Add 3-4 strands of Saffron (You can order it here)
  4. Whisk the ingredients together until well combined.
  5. Start heating the milk on low flame (the lower the better, we want to make sure that we extract all the goodness of the ingredients)
  6. Remove from heat and add sweetener to taste.
  7. Strain the mixture if desired and enjoy your cup of homemade turmeric milk!


You can add dry fruits like Almonds, dates etc. if you like.

Health Benefits of Turmeric Milk:

  1. Immune System Boost: Turmeric milk, with its curcumin content, supports and strengthens the immune system, helping you fend off winter illnesses like colds and flu.
  2. Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Combat winter joint pains and stiffness with the anti-inflammatory magic of turmeric, providing relief from aches and pains.
  3. Warming Effect: The natural heat-generating properties of turmeric make it an ideal beverage to keep you warm from the inside out, helping you combat the winter chill.
  4. Better Sleep Quality: Enjoy a restful night’s sleep with a cup of turmeric milk before bedtime, thanks to its compounds that promote relaxation and reduce anxiety.
  5. Digestive Aid: Turmeric aids digestion and soothes the digestive tract, making it a perfect post-meal drink to combat winter bloating.
  6. Skin Radiance: Keep your skin glowing during winter by harnessing the antioxidants in turmeric, preventing dryness and maintaining a healthy complexion.
  7. Mood Enhancement: Turmeric’s connection to serotonin and dopamine production can lift your spirits during the winter blues, contributing to an improved mood.


As winter wraps us in its chilly embrace, embracing the warmth and goodness of turmeric milk can be a delightful and healthful choice. From bolstering your immune system to promoting better sleep and enhancing your mood, the benefits of this golden elixir extend far beyond its delicious taste. So, why not savor a cup of turmeric milk this winter and let its golden magic work wonders for your well-being?

To sum up the benefits of Turmeric Milk:

  1. Antibacterial
  2. Anti-ageing
  3. Improves skin texture and makes your skin glow!
  4. Improves immunity
  5. Eases menstrual cramps and pain
  6. Purifies blood
  7. Helps in sleeping like a baby (that’s what my mum claims!)

Last but not least, do not expect an overnight miracle, natural remedies take time, so be patient!

Word of caution:

Here are a few side effects and risk factors associated with turmeric milk, which when ignored can cause problems:

  • Check for allergies before you consume Golden Milk or Turmeric Milk.
  • Don’t go overboard with this Golden drink.
  • Pregnant women should avoid taking too much of turmeric.
  • Turmeric may interfere with certain medications, so those taking anticoagulants like aspirin should totally avoid it. They can also interact with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
  • Consult your physician before you start drinking turmeric milk.

You can read more such tips here.

Vitamin E and why is it called the Miracle Oil

A complete guide to cover “What, Why, Where, When and How” of this amazing oil.

A complete guide to cover “What, Why, Where, When and How” of Vitamin E!

What is it-

Vitamin E dissolves in fat. It’s a deficiency, is rare and usually due to an underlying problem with digesting dietary fat rather than from a diet low in vitamin E, can cause nerve problems. The crucial function played by it makes it a vitamin that is poorly understood, but may involve antioxidant functions in cell membranes. It is a nutrient that’s important to vision, reproduction, and the health of your blood, brain and skin.

This miraculous oil also has antioxidant properties. Antioxidants protect your cells against the effects of free radicals — molecules produced when your body breaks down food or is exposed to tobacco smoke and radiation. Free radicals might play a role in heart disease, cancer and other diseases. If you take it for its antioxidant properties, keep in mind that the supplement might not offer the same benefits as naturally occurring antioxidants in food.

Why use it-

Although it is still very debatable but Vitamin E is considered extremely useful. Some people use it for treating and preventing diseases of the heart and blood vessels including hardening of the arteries, heart attack, chest pain, leg pain due to blocked arteries, and high blood pressure.

Always ensure that you buy good quality and pure vitamin E, bad quality products do more harm than good. You can buy organic vitamin E oil here online.

It is also used for treating diabetes and its complications. Women use it for preventing complications in late pregnancy due to high blood pressure, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), painful periods, menopausal syndrome, hot flashes associated with breast cancer, and breast cysts. It is also an antioxidant. This means it helps to slow down processes that damage cells.

When to use-

Vitamin E’s deficiency is rare but it might happen due to an underlying problem with digesting dietary fat rather than from a diet low in it. You can apply it if you have dry and damaged skin/hair.

Where to use-

It can be taken orally and it can also be applied directly to the Skin/Hair or Nails.

How (to use)-

For Hair:

  1. Mix the contents of 1 vitamin E capsules in 1 tbsp of Organic Olive oil. Massage the mixture onto your scalp using your fingertips in circular motions. Leave it for 30 minutes, wash off. 
  2. Mix Vitamin E, Egg Yolk and Organic Coconut Oil (Order the one that I buy and trust here) Massage the scalp. Leave for an hour and then wash off.
  3. Add Aloe Vera gel and Rosehip oil (Order online my trusted brand here) to your vitamin E oil and apply this mixture thrice a week on your hair. Your hair will never look dull and lifeless again.  
  4. A hot oil treatment combining coconut oil, almond oil and vitamin E oil is one of the most effective and easiest ways to stop hair fall. Take 2 tablespoons of vitamin E oil, almond oil and coconut oil. Warm it gently and then massage onto your scalp in circular motions so that the oil penetrates into the scalp. Leave it overnight and wash it in the morning. This ritual works wonderfully both to curb hair fall and stimulate hair growth.  

For Skin and Nails:  

  1. For Dry skin- Massage Vitamin E after cleaning your face at night. Helps in moisturising the skin and hydrates the skin.
  2. For Marks- Aloe Vera with Vitamin E. Use this as a night cream, helps in improving the texture of the skin, also helps in reducing marks.
  3. For Under Eye- Mix almond oil and Vitamin E oil in 1:1 ratio and use this as a cheap and effective substitute for under eye cream.

Important Note-

This oil’s benefits are primarily cosmetic and have limited scientific support. Before using anything new, always consult a doctor or skincare expert.

You can read some amazing tips related to skin and haircare here.

Get those long dramatic lashes at home.

An eyelash serum that’s Chemical-Free, costs less than 1/10th of the normal price and something that actually WORKS (Tried and Tested!)

P.S. This post by no means wishes to throw shades or deteriorate any brand/product. I love trying new brands, products and respect them all! Peace bro! LoL

Everyone says, “Life is too short to have short lashes.” but then no one tells you how to get those long lashes (Not talking about the falsies here!) By the end of this post, I promise to spill the beans on to how to get those long dramatic lashes without burning a hole in your pocket! Yes, we are going to learn how to make eye lash serum for long/dramatic lashes at home.

Some of the things you will learn in this post:

  • Why same products from different brands cost so much?
  • Why make your own product?
  • How to make a lash-serum that’s chemical-free, costs less than 1/10th of the price (In fact, it will cost you 1/100th of the cost! Yes!!) and a serum that actually WORKS (Tried and Tested!) (You’re welcome!)

Why same products from different brands cost so much?

Ever bought a product from a fancy brand and realised it does exactly the same thing that the product from your humble drug-store brand did (and costs you half the price!) Ouch! That hurts!

Picture this, you have been using this expensive product religiously and it DID NOTHING whereas you start using a home-remedy that your mama told you about and it WORKS LIKE A MIRACLE!

What I am trying to convey here is, we often feel that if a product costs a fortune it is bound to be amazing, whereas if you picked it up from a drug store, or perhaps you made it on your own it is not going to be that effective. Let me tell you, this NOT TRUE! 

Lately, I started making my own (basic) products and my happiness knows no bounds! Not only I have the full control over the quality and ingredients, but I am also free to make a fresh batch as per my requirement. I play around with the ingredients according to what am I aiming at, there are no chemicals, no animal testing (A lot of testing on humans though! LoL) and yes they are a lot cheaper as compared to some of the “natural brands” available in the market.

I am not saying every product I made turned out to be perfect, many products went down the drain, many never saw the light of the day, but you learn from your mistakes, right?!

Why do products from so-called high-end brands cost effing so much?

Remember, when you’re buying something you are not only paying for the product but also for the company. It’s not just the cost of ingredients they have to cover but a whole heap of other expenses, as well, like, manufacturing, staff, marketing, certification and other business overheads, just to name a few. And of course, the business needs to make a healthy profit so that is added to the list as well!

Why make your own product when you can buy one?!

I know it is so tempting to buy all those products who claim to have miraculous effects and some even come with a guarantee! One look at the price tag and your heart begins to sink! It is not just the price but a number of facts that you need to pay attention to while selecting a product. All those nearly-impossible-to-pronounce ingredients that we pay no heed to.

Most commercial skincare products like to use a lot of oils/natural ingredients for marketing purposes. They are usually included at a very small percentage, often for marketing purposes rather than to offer much skin benefit. When you formulate and make your own products you can make them for a lot less (Read: WAYYYYY LESS, sometimes just a fraction of the price!) AND you could also increase the percentage of those exotic ingredients used, which means better and quicker results! (Yayy) 

Talking about Cost-

It’s fascinating to calculate how much the product would cost you to make at home versus buying them from a high-end brand. I didn’t take into consideration the wastage of ingredients or any other overhead like time/equipment. These products are quick and easy to make and require minimal equipment or time.

The costs of ingredients obviously vary from one supplier to another and from one country to another. The price I have calculated therefore would vary depending on which country you are in and supplier you use, but even allowing for this, you’ll see just how much cheaper it is when you make your own! Cost for a decent lash serum varies, it starts from 100 AED for 3-4 ml (35 USD approx) and goes up to 800 AED (217 USD approx). The cost of the serum I was using was for 255 AED (70 USD approx). The results were amazing, no doubt, but I was always worried about the ingredients, the side-effects, not to forget the cost, it was something that got me worried that most! LoL

Stunning result of home made eye lash serum

Breakdown of Cost for our home-made serum for long lashes:

  • Castor Oil (for 120 ml)- 40 AED (Buy it here)
  • Vitamin E Oil (for 75 ml)- 80 AED (Buy it here)
  • Re-used old mascara bottle- Free (Alternatively you can buy empty mascara container here)

Total- 120 AED ( 32 USD approx) for approx 195 ml of serum.

Using simple maths it comes to (approx) 24 AED for 4 ml of serum! *Mind blown away!*

Our serum will cost- Approx 24 AED ( 6.50 USD) for 4 ml

Normal Cost of serums- 250 AED (68 USD) for 4 ml

Now, How to make your own Lash Serum:

Well, the steps are ridiculously easy! However, pay attention to the cleanliness, storage and application part.

Things you’ll need-

  1. Castor Oil
  2. Vitamin E Oil
  3. Optional: Almond oil (Order it online here)
  4. Empty Mascara container (You may buy an empty container from Amazon, etc. Alternatively, you can clean and use the old mascara, remember to clean it properly so that no residue is left.)


  1. Add Castor oil and Vitamin E oil in equal proportion.
  2. Use a dropper to add the oils to the mascara container.
  3. Shake it vigorously to ensure that the oil is mixed properly.
  4. Close the container and store.

How to use:

For best results, use this twice a day. You may use it before going to bed. Apply it like how you apply your mascara, starting from the root till the tip. Give attention to the roots, the lashes should be covered in the serum. However, don’t overdo it, you don’t want the serum to go inside your eyes! Wash with cold water if it does!

Visible results from second week itself. However, results may vary from person to person. Stop using it immediately in case of irritation or discomfort.


Pay attention to cleanliness, don’t touch the brush with dirty hands (Who does that!) Don’t share it with anyone to avoid eye infection, diseases.

Learn more such awesome tips and tricks here!

How to use Neem for Skin and Hair

There is a reason why Neem tree is known as “The Miracle Tree”. Read on to know how to use Neem for Skin and Hair.

How to use Neem for Skin and Hair

While vacationing in India, every time I tried something new (and it worked!) in my mind I was like “I HAVE TO share this with everyone!” I came across some of the most amazing (natural) skin and hair care products that are not only cheap but are also readily available. On my recent trip to India, the land of Ayurveda, I went on a shopping spree for herbs and natural medicines, I bought around 16 (Yes!) different kinds of herbs, I have already started using most of them and can’t wait to share the results with you all.

In this post, I will be talking about Neem, the Miracle Tree, and how to use Neem for Skin and Hair. It’s funny and sad at the same time, how we buy any product that claims to be “All Natural” but we deter away from using the same natural ingredient in its raw form. For instance, since people who have problematic and acne prone skin, always try to use face washes and creams that have Neem in it but ask them when was the last time they tried to use natural Neem leaves.. Well.. I know the answer! The problem I believe is WE ARE JUST LAZY! Sorry for being brutally honest.

I will be doing a separate blog post on “Why I started making my own products?” I am sure once you will read it, you will start doing the same! So, let’s not waste time and get back to our Magical Tree, and how to use Neem for Skin and Hair.

Some of the benefits of Neem:

  • Anti-bacterial properties
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Anti-Cancer Properties
  • Boosts immunity
  • Contains Anti-Aging And Protective Antioxidants
  • Regenerative properties
  • Helps in fighting free radical damage
  • High in important fatty acids and vitamin E and can quickly penetrate outer layers of skin
  • Stimulates Collagen and so on

What are the Benefits of using Neem in a Face Mask?

  • Heals Scars
  • Fights Acne, Neem helps in reducing acne or pimples caused by bacteria
  • Treats Pigmentation
  • Exfoliates the skin
  • Works as an anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-ageing
  • Treats Skin Infections
  • Neem kills bacteria on the surface of the skin
  • Clear And Glowing Skin
  • Oil-control
  • Moisturizer (Yes) Neem is high in vitamin E and rich in fatty acids and will not dry out skin.
  • Neem works well with every skin type
How to make Neem powder at home

How to make Anti-Wrinkle Cream With Lavender and Neem Oil:


  • ½ ounce of pure, organic neem oil
  • 8 ounces of organic jojoba oil
  • 4 –5 drops pure lavender oil
  • Place ingredients in a small bottle, shake well. Make sure all ingredients are well blended. Use it regularly.
  • For skin problems, apply directly onto the skin two or three times a day.You should not use undiluted neem oil on your skin. Always try a very small amount on a small area of skin to make sure your skin does not have a negative reaction.

To control acne using Neem Oil:

To use neem oil for acne control, warm a teaspoonful of coconut oil or olive oil and mix in 10 drops of organic cold-pressed neem oil. Apply on the face and wash it off after an hour, or leave it overnight, depending on your tolerance level. 

Neem for dandruff control:

Warm a teaspoon of organic cold-pressed neem oil and massage it gently into the scalp. Wash it off after half an hour. Again, if your scalp is very sensitive, neem oil may be diluted with an equal amount of coconut oil to prevent irritation.

How to use neem as a face-mask:

1. Neem + Tomato = Protects the skin against free radicals, improve texture and removes tan. 

Crush tomato into a pulp, add neem powder. Mix well and apply the mask to your face. Let your skin absorb its properties for 15 minutes and then rinse.

2. Neem + Honey + Tulsi  = Clears dirt deposits, kills pimple-causing bacteria

Take a handful of tulsi and neem leaves and dry them in shade. Once it is dry, crush it into a fine powder. Mix a tablespoon of honey to the powder. Apply the paste evenly to your face and neck. Wait till it dries, scrub in a circular motion and rinse.

3. Neem + Turmeric + Yogurt = Oil-controlling neem mask will make the skin clear of blemishes and marks. 

Mix 1 teaspoon of neem powder with 1 tablespoon yoghurt and a pinch of turmeric. Apply it on to your face. Wait till it dries and then rinse.

4. Neem + Apple Cider Vinegar + Honey = Removes spots from the skin.

Mix 1 teaspoon of neem powder, 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and 1 teaspoon of honey together in a paste. Apply it to your face. Let it dry for 30 minutes. Scrub and rinse.

5. Neem + Rose Petals + Almond Oil + Rice Water = Mask with Bleaching properties that will make your skin turn fair, clear and makes the skin youthful. 

Mix 5 neem leaves, a handful of rose petals and 5 drops of almond oil, with a few drops of rose water. Grind it into a fine paste. Apply the mask and leave it on for 20 minutes. Rinse it with cold water.

6. Neem + Honey = Rejuvenates tired skin and removes excess oil from the skin. 

Crush a handful of neem leaves into a smooth paste, add a tablespoon of organic honey to the paste. Mix to blend well. Apply it to your face and neck. After 30 minutes, rinse.

7. Neem + Rosewater + Clay = Antibacterial properties that clear out blemishes and marks from the skin.

Dry a handful of neem leaves, crush it into a fine powder. Mix the powder and clay with the required amount of rose water to make a smooth paste. Apply it evenly to your face and neck. Rinse after 15 minutes.

8. Neem + Besan + Yogurt = Clears pimples, reduces marks and gives skin a radiant glow. 

Mix a tablespoon of gram flour, with a teaspoon of neem powder and a required amount of yoghurt to make a smooth paste. Cleanse your face and apply the mask. Let it stay for 15 minutes and then wash. Apply this DIY neem face mask twice a week to see results.

9. Neem + Papaya = Antibacterial mask that cleanses the skin, reduces breakouts and makes your skin glow. 

Crush a ripe papaya into pulp, add a teaspoon of neem powder to the pulp. Mix until the components combine well. Apply it to your face and neck. Leave it on for 30 minutes and then rinse.

10. Neem + Gram flour + Curd + Rose Water = Removes scars and blemishes

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and mix to make a paste. Apply it all over your face. Leave it to dry and then wash.

Important Note-

Now that we have learnt how to use Neem for Skin and Hair, keep in mind that Neem is a very powerful herb, I remember when I got over-excited and used plain Neem with rosewater and it burned my face so bad! I recommend you use it sparsely, and like I always say, please do a patch test before using anything for the first time. Also, every skin is different and what may work for one might not work for another. Home remedies take time to show their effect, so be patient and consistent.