Tag Archives: Vitamin E

Vitamin E and why is it called the Miracle Oil

A complete guide to cover “What, Why, Where, When and How” of this amazing oil.

A complete guide to cover “What, Why, Where, When and How” of Vitamin E!

What is it-

Vitamin E dissolves in fat. It’s a deficiency, is rare and usually due to an underlying problem with digesting dietary fat rather than from a diet low in vitamin E, can cause nerve problems. The crucial function played by it makes it a vitamin that is poorly understood, but may involve antioxidant functions in cell membranes. It is a nutrient that’s important to vision, reproduction, and the health of your blood, brain and skin.

This miraculous oil also has antioxidant properties. Antioxidants protect your cells against the effects of free radicals — molecules produced when your body breaks down food or is exposed to tobacco smoke and radiation. Free radicals might play a role in heart disease, cancer and other diseases. If you take it for its antioxidant properties, keep in mind that the supplement might not offer the same benefits as naturally occurring antioxidants in food.

Why use it-

Although it is still very debatable but Vitamin E is considered extremely useful. Some people use it for treating and preventing diseases of the heart and blood vessels including hardening of the arteries, heart attack, chest pain, leg pain due to blocked arteries, and high blood pressure.

Always ensure that you buy good quality and pure vitamin E, bad quality products do more harm than good. You can buy organic vitamin E oil here online.

It is also used for treating diabetes and its complications. Women use it for preventing complications in late pregnancy due to high blood pressure, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), painful periods, menopausal syndrome, hot flashes associated with breast cancer, and breast cysts. It is also an antioxidant. This means it helps to slow down processes that damage cells.

When to use-

Vitamin E’s deficiency is rare but it might happen due to an underlying problem with digesting dietary fat rather than from a diet low in it. You can apply it if you have dry and damaged skin/hair.

Where to use-

It can be taken orally and it can also be applied directly to the Skin/Hair or Nails.

How (to use)-

For Hair:

  1. Mix the contents of 1 vitamin E capsules in 1 tbsp of Organic Olive oil. Massage the mixture onto your scalp using your fingertips in circular motions. Leave it for 30 minutes, wash off. 
  2. Mix Vitamin E, Egg Yolk and Organic Coconut Oil (Order the one that I buy and trust here) Massage the scalp. Leave for an hour and then wash off.
  3. Add Aloe Vera gel and Rosehip oil (Order online my trusted brand here) to your vitamin E oil and apply this mixture thrice a week on your hair. Your hair will never look dull and lifeless again.  
  4. A hot oil treatment combining coconut oil, almond oil and vitamin E oil is one of the most effective and easiest ways to stop hair fall. Take 2 tablespoons of vitamin E oil, almond oil and coconut oil. Warm it gently and then massage onto your scalp in circular motions so that the oil penetrates into the scalp. Leave it overnight and wash it in the morning. This ritual works wonderfully both to curb hair fall and stimulate hair growth.  

For Skin and Nails:  

  1. For Dry skin- Massage Vitamin E after cleaning your face at night. Helps in moisturising the skin and hydrates the skin.
  2. For Marks- Aloe Vera with Vitamin E. Use this as a night cream, helps in improving the texture of the skin, also helps in reducing marks.
  3. For Under Eye- Mix almond oil and Vitamin E oil in 1:1 ratio and use this as a cheap and effective substitute for under eye cream.

Important Note-

This oil’s benefits are primarily cosmetic and have limited scientific support. Before using anything new, always consult a doctor or skincare expert.

You can read some amazing tips related to skin and haircare here.